Milan P. from Olomouc et moi... mid nineties outside stone mill. Milan halped me a lot to renovate the forge, worked hard with the jackhammer for the basis of the 7ton pneumatic hammer called Golem; regarding to my teacher Milan was a human pneumatic hammer...
hm... some days ago I forged a crowbar of 92cm/36.2in length.
the original material was a piece of 33cm/13in of that coil spring, probably of an earth mover, the length was still 52cm/20.5in although I had cut off some pieces before... toughest material, I tell ya... took me about 2.5h of sweating :D
I was pissed when my original crowbar of 180cm/70.9in, forged of a loco coil spring weighing 58kg/127.9lb, was stolen last year... I think I know the filcher but, as I was not totally sure I said nothing, instead, forged me this new one, even it is smaller... I need the leveraging effect of a crowbar to move heavier pieces of steel...
this morning went down to my smithy to forge some soundsticks for Andrea; the first pair from last week do not sound that good as I drilled the holes not in the right place. today I managed the steel ones, hammered them cold, and they sound fabulous, and then I tried a pair out of forging bronze, had to light fire as the original diameter of the forging-bronze bar is 30mm... they give an interesting sound.
#ya #forging #steel #bronze #sound #sticks #sound-sticks #klangstäbe #photography
... another video sent by Jakob in Russia:
How is a forged drill made? Powerful production process of forged steel parts, hammerheads, drills and steel balls, railway components, high strength piles and more ...
Forging is the oldest metal forming process. It originates in the work of blacksmiths many centuries before Christ.
It was manual labor that depended on the strength of the blacksmith's arm. The replacement of the blacksmith's arm occurred in the early stages of the Industrial Revolution.
With the beginning of the industrial revolution, machines were introduced and the blacksmith's arm was replaced by pressure hammers.
Currently there is a varied forging machinery, capable of producing parts of the most varied shapes and sizes, from pins, nails, tools and even giant axes, turbine rotors and airplane wings.
How things are done. Amazing machines.
The content of our videos is for entertainment and the information contained is for you to know what is happening on the screen and has some educational value.
#steel #tools #blacksmith #forge #forging #hammer #drill #production #video
Schmiedemeister Peter Caris aus Willich beim Flachsmarkt im Innenhof der Burg Linn in Krefeld
#Amboß #BurgLinn #Flachsmarkt #Handwerk #Krefeld #Niederrhein #PeterCaris #Schmied #altesHandwerk #schmieden #forging #foto #photo #fotografie #photography