

Be careful when using any social media

Social media is a perfect way for scammers to reach a lot of people, and we often see them using this to round up victims. There are many kinds of Bitcoin scams to be found on YouTube, Twitter, and other platforms. And along with Tech Support scams, Ponzi schemes, misinformation, and many phishing attempts, you can find every kind of scammer on social media without having to look very hard.

#privacy #security #online #personal #data #scam #fraud



Jakob from Russia sent this today...

Par Alessia C. F. (ALKA)

Beaucoup de gens ont beaucoup d’explications à donner. Les boîtes du vaccin COVID-19 d’AstraZeneca indiquent une date de production du 15 juillet 2018. Mais “COVID-19” n’a été découvert qu’en 2019 et n’a été NOMMÉ que le 11 février 2020.

Voici la preuve irréfutable : Une boîte de vaccin COVID-19 d’AstraZeneca, avec la date de fabrication du 15 juillet 2018 imprimée par ordinateur sur le rabat de la boîte

Many people have a lot of explaining to do. AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine boxes show a production date of 15 July 2018. But "COVID-19" was only discovered in 2019 and was only NAMED on February 11, 2020.

Here is the smoking gun: A box of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine, with the date of manufacture of 15 July 2018 computer-printed on the box flap

#vaccine #astrazeneca #covid-19 #fraud