

Jakob from Russia sent this today...

Par Alessia C. F. (ALKA)

Beaucoup de gens ont beaucoup d’explications à donner. Les boîtes du vaccin COVID-19 d’AstraZeneca indiquent une date de production du 15 juillet 2018. Mais “COVID-19” n’a été découvert qu’en 2019 et n’a été NOMMÉ que le 11 février 2020.

Voici la preuve irréfutable : Une boîte de vaccin COVID-19 d’AstraZeneca, avec la date de fabrication du 15 juillet 2018 imprimée par ordinateur sur le rabat de la boîte

Many people have a lot of explaining to do. AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine boxes show a production date of 15 July 2018. But "COVID-19" was only discovered in 2019 and was only NAMED on February 11, 2020.

Here is the smoking gun: A box of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine, with the date of manufacture of 15 July 2018 computer-printed on the box flap

#vaccine #astrazeneca #covid-19 #fraud


Big Pharma ~ Time to End Their Greed


#BernieSanders: "The #pharmaceutical #industry has spent more than $4.5 billion on #lobbying and #campaign #contributions over the past 20 years. That's why we pay the #highest #prices on #earth for #prescription #drugs. #Enough-is-enough. Democrats must have the courage to defeat their #greed. The #business #model of the pharmaceutical industry is #fraud. Their greed is literally #killing #Americans. It is absurd that we have people in this country who every day must choose between being able to afford the #medicines they need to stay alive and being able to afford their groceries. It is no exaggeration to say the greed of the pharmaceutical industry is killing people.They have spent billions buying #politicians & several of their #executives became #billionaires during the #pandemic. Their days of calling the shots in #DC must come to an end."

"For years, the story has gone like this: the pharmaceutical industry spends billions lobbying #Congress to do nothing to #lower prescription drug prices, they get their way. 97% of #Democrats, 80% of #Independents and 61% of #Republicans want #Medicare to negotiate with the #pharma #companies to lower prescription drug prices. Our opponents are not only dead wrong on this #policy, they are also way out of touch with what the American people are demanding. Let me ask you a question. Are you satisfied with a #system that allows the pharmaceutical industry to charge you $98 for the same vial of #insulin that the #Canadian people get for about $12? Maybe I am a little bit of a radical, but I happen to think that in the richest country on the face of the #planet, people should not have to be cutting their pills in half or rationing their insulin." Time to end their greed.

#bigpharma #follow-the-money #KurtSchrader-Ore #ScottPeters-Calif #KathleenRice-NY #health #money #favors #quotes


আমি আগেই বলেছিলাম, এই 'গ্রাহক পরিষেবা কেন্দ্র' গুলো খুলে সিস্টেম করার ফলে সীমাহীন দূর্নীতি হবে। আর সেটাই এবার সত্যি প্রমাণিত হল। কোটি কোটি টাকার দূর্নীতি গ্রাহক পরিষেবা কেন্দ্রে। ১০হাজার, ২০হাজারের ওপরের ট্রানজাকশন ব্র্যাঞ্চে না করে ঐ কেন্দ্রগুলিতে করতে বাধ্য করছে বিভিন্ন ব্যাঙ্ক। আমি বলে দিচ্ছি, এটা ব্যাঙ্কের সব ট্রানজাকশন শুধুমাত্র অনলাইনে করতে বাধ্য করাবার ষড়যন্ত্রের প্র‌থম ধাপ। #গ্রাহকপরিষেবাকেন্দ্র #bank #customerservicepoint #private #licence #fraud


NaturalNews Pod Stats

First the good news: the pod is presently offline. Whether that's a temporary or permanent thing isn't clear, but it's a positive development.

Second: it appears that there are around 725 active users (monthly), 12,000 or so over six months.

Just for a "scope of problem" comparison.


See also: https://share.naturalnews.com/

#NaturalNews #disinformation #misinformation #fraud #hoax #trolls