

An die Wand geklebt / Taped to the Wall

Dezember 2024

Der Froschkönig (ökonomische Version)
Einer Prinzessin fällt ihre goldene Kugel beim Spiel in den Brunnen, und ein Frosch bietet an, ihr zu helfen. Sie muss ihm dafür versprechen, seine Freundin zu werden und Teller und Bett mit ihm zu teilen. Als sie die Kugel zurück hat, geht sie nach Hause und vergisst den armen Frosch in seinem Brunnen. Doch der Frosch kommt an die Tür des Königsschlosses, und auf Drängen ihres Vaters, des Königs, bekennt sich die Prinzessin widerwillig zu ihrem Versprechen. Sie muss ihren Tisch mit dem Frosch teilen. Als jedoch der Frosch fordert, dass sie ihn mit in ihr Bett nehmen solle, ist ihre Abscheu so groß, dass sie den schleimigen und hässlichen Frosch mit Klebeband an die Wand klebt. Seit dem wartet sie auf Gebote für Ihr Kunstwerk ... und wenn sie nicht gestorben ist, klebt der Frosch noch immer.

The Frog Prince (economic version)
A princess drops her golden ball into the well while playing and a frog offers to help her. In return, she must promise to become his girlfriend and share her plate and bed with him. When she gets the ball back, she goes home and forgets the poor frog in his well. But the frog comes to the door of the royal castle and, at the insistence of her father, the king, the princess reluctantly makes good on her promise. She has to share her table with the frog. However, when the frog demands that she take him to bed with her, she is so disgusted that she sticks the slimy and ugly frog to the wall with duct tape. Since then, she has been waiting for bids for her work of art ... and if she hasn't died, the frog is still stuck to the wall.

#tiere #frösche #froschkönig #kunst #klebeband #krita #gmic #gimp #fotobearbeitung #art #digital #PhotoEditing #animals #frogs #TheFrogPrince #tape #photo #foto #bildbearbeitung #photomanipulation #Diadvent #Diadvent24-12-14 #Diadvent2024 #Diadvent24 #frogmas24 #frogmas


#frogmas, #frogcember, #frogspora,

Between Frogs and Gods: Illustrations of Physiognomy


Coloured etchings by Christian von Mechel showing “stages from the frog to the profile of Apollo”, after the ideas of Johann Caspar Lavater, 1797

#AB, #AB-12-24, #ab-adventskalender #adventskalender24, #adventskalender-24 #advent_calendar, #Diadvent, #Diadvent24, #diadvent-24, #AB-Diadvent-24, #Frosch, #Kröte, #Frog, #Toad, #Grenouille, #Crapaud #gimp, #Illustration, #art, #Physiognomy, #frogmas, #frogmas24, #frogspora, #frogcember #frogcember24


Küß mich! / Kiss Me!

Once upon a time, on a quiet summer's evening an old man was rowing an old boat across an ancient lake.
A little frog jumped up onto the end of the boat, and the frog said to the old man:
"Old man, if you kiss me, I will turn into a beautiful young princess and you can do whatever you want with me."
And the old man smiled at the frog and kept on rowing his old boat across the ancient lake.
And the frog said again:
"Old man, if you kiss me I will turn into a beautiful young princess and you can do whatever you want with me."
And the old man smiled and looked at the frog and carried on rowing his old boat across the ancient lake.

And there was a long silence while the guitar played.

Man in a Boat

The frog said to the old man: "Old man, why won't you kiss me?"
The old man looked at the frog and stopped rowing his old boat across the ancient lake, put his hands in the air and shrugged his shoulders and said: "At my age I'd rather have a talking frog."

Story spoken by Manfred Mann-, based on a joke that Manfred has been telling for years
[It's funny when he tells it]
Album: Manfred Mann ’06 with Manfred Mann’s Earth Band - 2006, 2004

#ManfredMann #poesie #poetry #Alter #OldAge #männer #men
#tiere #frösche #gmic #gimp #fotobearbeitung #illustration #digital #PhotoEditing #animals #frogs #photo #foto #bildbearbeitung #photomanipulation #art #Diadvent #Diadvent241212 #Diadvent2024 #Diadvent24 #frogmas24 #frogmas


9/24 #frogmas #frogmas24,

Illustration from “One Hundred Fables of Aesop, published in 1903 by Percy J. Billingshurst” Artist unknown

Do you know the story of the frogs and the king?

It goes back to a fable by Aesop and goes something like this:
(freely retold)

*In earlier times, the frogs lived a carefree life in the ponds and pools. But their boredom led them to approach the god Jupiter with loud cries and ask for a king.
When Jupiter laughed at their request, they intensified their cries even more. The benevolent Jupiter took pity on the naive frogs and threw a thick old stick into the pond, causing a loud splash that frightened the frogs and drove them to flee.

After the frog community had regrouped, one of them stuck his head out over the water to recognize the new king and called the others over to look at him. They approached, some timidly, and greeted their ruler. But when they realized that the new king was lifeless and made only of wood, they jumped on him and trampled him underfoot, again asking the god to give them a “real” king.

Jupiter then granted them the stork, which killed them one by one. In despair, they cried out in tears: “O god Jupiter, help us or we will die.” Jupiter replied: “Your inappropriate and impulsive pleading has brought you this king, whom you must now endure, since you rejected the good and gentle one.*

btw. I think this fable is somehow pretty topical - don't you agree?

#AB, #AB-12-24, #ab-adventskalender #adventskalender24, #adventskalender-24 #advent_calendar, #Diadvent, #Diadvent24, #diadvent-24, #AB-Diadvent-24, #Frosch, #Kröte, #Frog, #Toad, #Grenouille, #Crapaud #gimp, #Fabel, #Äsop, #Fable, #Esope, #Esop, #frogmas, #frogmas24, #frogspora, #frogcember #frogcember24


"wet noise in Tristesse City”

the rules of the game are simple - choose a photo (preferably your own), edit with gimp and tag #sundaygimp on a Sunday ;-) … and follow the tag.


(and also #Sunday-photo-edit )

Note: if you do not use gimp, but still want to play along, just use the tag #Sunday-photo-edit and edit the images with your favorite image editor

#AB, #AB24, #AB-12-24, #AB-SG, #AB-07-12-24, #gimp, #gmic, #Sundaygimp, #unterwegs, #on-the-way, #sur_la_route #Tristesse-City, #Tristess, #Tristesse, #Tristessensammlung, #Park, #nasses_rauschen, #wet_noise, #bruissement_humide, #Kunst, #Bildbearbeitung, #Bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #photo, #Foto, #myphoto, #mywork (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


8 / 24


False prophets

"Frogs emerging from the mouths of humans and beasts are a well-known symbol from medieval illustrations. They stand for false prophets who want to mislead people."

(source: national geographic)

#AB, #AB-12-24, #ab-adventskalender #adventskalender24, #adventskalender-24 #advent_calendar, #Diadvent, #Diadvent24, #diadvent-24, #AB-Diadvent-24, #Frosch, #Kröte, #Frog, #Toad, #Grenouille, #Crapaud #gimp, #frogmas, #frogmas24, #frogspora, #frogcember #frogcember24 #Mittelalter, #medieval , #Middle_Ages, #Médiéval