


#ceylon #News

#pineal #gland what it does, #hair, #colloidal #silver, #mould #detox & reset are they coming for it all?
14.44 hair is important
19.54 do not mix #linen & #wool
27.44 #frequency #healing
28.56 colloidal silver
35.11 #human #being
42.26 mold detox
48.22 mold detox checklist
49.21 mold what it causes
51.30 buisness or employee
52.29 reset are they coming for it all

53.33 z jack shit

#pinealgland what it does, hair, colloidal silver, mould detox & reset are they coming for it all


#research on the #Pineal #Gland

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=4qYNhsdReJc

The #Bible gives #PRECISE #INSTRUCTIONS about the PINEAL GLAND(43:42)

Time Stamps

0:00 - MUST SEE!!!
1:40 - Secret Connection between The Bible and Pineal Gland
21:44 - Calcification of the pineal gland
26:11 - Symptoms of calcification
28:04 - #How to decalcify your pineal gland
34:58 - Brain Waves and THE #SUBCONSCIOUS #MIND
37:21 - #THETA - The Programming State
40:16 - Identifying the “bad” programs


#Seven #Hermetic #Principles #Hindu Seven Grades of Being Seven #Astral #Centers

I. THE PRINCIPLE OF MENTALISM. #Atma / Pure Ego #Sahasrara (Conarium plexus) #Pineal #Gland / All Seeing #Eye

II. THE PRINCIPLE OF CORRESPONDENCE. Budhi/ Intuition #Anja (Cavarnous plexus) Pituitary/Ascending Ascending light/Sixth Sense

III. THE PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION. Higher Manas/Abstract Intellect #Vishuddha (Pharyngeal plexus) Adam's Apple

IV. THE PRINCIPLE OF POLARITY. Lower Manas/Concrete mentality #Anahata (Cardiac plexus) Blood vascular system

V. THE PRINCIPLE OF RHYTHM. Astral Vehicle Manipura ( #Solarplexus ) Sympathetic Nervous System

VI. THE PRINCIPLE OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. Etheric Double #Svadhishthana (Prostatic plexus) starting point of Ida and Pingala Nadis

VII. THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER. Physical Body #Muladhara ( #SacralPlexus ) -Power Pole of #cerebro-spinal #system"
very interesting your approach to the seven principles of #Kybalion, thank you

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=aL43l2SFVWQ



#Dr #RudolfSteiner #predicted that early in this century, big corporations would go after the #human #soul by trying to destroy the #pineal #gland, which is the most sensitive part of our central nervous system and is really most affected by four things”

(1) #Aluminum = Chemtrails and food products/deodorant

(2) #Glyphosate = pesticides and farming (Monsanto)

(3) #Fluoride = tap water and dental products

(4) #Wifi = created as a military weapon for ‘defence’ purposes = internet and cell phones/military weapons.

Dr #Klinghardt On #How #Corporations Is #Destroying The Human-Soul’ In Four Different Ways!


13 septembre 2022

Combien ne deviendront jamais des chênes? Est-ce un choix ou est-ce une fatalité, la faute à pas de chance, pas tombés au bon endroit au bon moment? Dans ceux qui tombent sur un sol favorable, pourquoi certains se transforment et d'autres pas? Balayer la terrasse et observer le jardin me rend parfois pensive.

#photodujour #journalphoto #defi #quotidien #artiste #photographe #pictureoftheday #photodiary #challenge #artist #photographer #gland #chene #automne #nature #jardin #acorn #oak #fall #automn #garden #photo