

A quotation from Gide, Andre

Most often people seek in life occasions for persisting in their opinions rather than for educating themselves.

André Gide (1869-1951) French author, Nobel laureate
“An Unprejudiced Mind,” sec. 1, Pretexts (1959) [ed. O’Brien (1964)]

#quote #quotes #quotation #belief #biasconfirmation #challenge #education #inference #opinion #prejudice
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/gide-andre/66959/


US Supreme #Court rejects #Twitter Corp's #surveillance #disclosure #challenge

source: https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-supreme-court-rejects-x-corps-surveillance-disclosure-challenge-2024-01-08/

The justices declined to hear X's appeal of a lower court's ruling holding that the #FBI's restrictions on what the #company could say publicly about the investigations did not violate its free speech rights under the U.S. #Constitution's First Amendment.

#Freedom #USA #law #news #economy #police #internet


Germans warned to avoid #spicy eating challenges

Source: https://www.dw.com/en/germans-warned-to-avoid-spicy-eating-challenges/a-66760867

In #GroĂźbritannien ermany, the challenge has resulted in the hospitalization of at least one student, according to news portal Tagesschau. A 14-year old student in the US state of #Massachusetts died hours after taking part in the #challenge. It is unclear whether his death was caused by the spicy #chip.

The company behind the chips used in the challenge has meanwhile pulled the product from shelves.

#internet #hype #health #youth #children #fail #problem


This was yesterday evening at skatehalle.berlin :-) True, it's just a 50:50 - but this curb is not so easy to grind. To stay on the curb for so long is the challenge. I don't really know what it is, but it feels little weird sometimes to grind this one. It is kind of mellow. Wax helps a log for sure to make it more slippery to make it possible to grind it for longer, but for example when I come from the other sind and make barley grind on it (barley is FS 180 to SW FS smith grind) which is one of my absolute favorite grinds, then I'm usually just able to grind it's half, because I wasn't yet able to stay on it for so long.

A good challenge for sure. Another goal of mine on this curb is to grind the whole one with good speed in a solid way and finish with 360 out at the end :-)

#sk8 #skate #streetboarding #grind #challenge #longGrind #lateSkater

♲ Rebeka Catalina - 2023-09-28 23:03:48 GMT

Getting better








52Wochen - Public Domain

WeiĂźe Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #goodmorning #fbg #fbd #Frühstück #Kakao #Tee #Fotografie #Photography #FotoChallenge #52WochenChallenge​

#Tousled #Crane on #Tour

#Welt! Bist du noch da?


Will jemand einen #Kaffee?
Und ganz nebenbei könnte man ja noch an der besagten #Challenge teilnehmen. Habe ich nebenan bei #mastodon gefunden und für interessant befunden:

Jede #Woche ein Foto zu einem bestimmten #Thema.

Diese Woche noch #Werkzeug und in der nächsten #Blumen.

Ins Leben gerufen ist die Aktion von diesem Herrn:


Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


21 octobre 2022

Comme une impression
De tourner en rond
Dans un aquarium
Comment sortir
J'y pense et puis j'oublie
J'oublie puis j'y pense
Un mot une phrase
Je tourne encore
Un mot une phrase
Les parois se diluent
Un mot une phrase
Pour cesser de tourner
Si simple et si difficile aussi

#photodujour #journalphoto #defi #quotidien #artiste #photographe #pictureoftheday #photodiary #challenge #artist #photographer #dune #vegetation #nature #sable #ecosysteme #ocean #vieuxboucau #landes #nouvelleaquitaine #sand #ecosystem #photo