


Here's all you need to know, with laughs & sighs.
100-proof #truthiness - and #truth - from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Monday night.

SCOTUS Keeps Trump On The Ballot | Trump’s Brain Is Broken | Speed & Xanax Abuse In Trump’s WH

Thin-sliced: Broken Brains, #TrumpVirus, #SCOTUS & the #GQP #cult - plus Dante's inferno of sin and hedonism, AKA #Trump

Plus the drug-fest which was the #DJT (& Jr) White House by Rx. And those nasty #BrainSpurs messing up a map discussion.
Finger on the pulse of a stimulating day! (Even a bit about Trump's failure at speech and reaction to Putin).

Only Fellini could make this up!


Just as it's been looking like the pendulum may be swinging back towards #truth, #democracy, and #justice....


The Court of #TrumpVirus and protectors of the Ginni/MAGA cult... intervened to do their favorite President a favor...
As Jack Smith is put on hold, if not notice. 💅 (Can't find a nail-biting emoji...). 👿 vs ⚖️ #justice and #democracy

US Supreme Court to decide Trump criminal immunity claim in 2020 election case

"Supreme Power Corrupts Supremely"
#SCOTUS #GQP #TrumpVirus #Autocracy #Oligarchy #Jan6 #Justice #Accountability #Truth