

Just as it's been looking like the pendulum may be swinging back towards #truth, #democracy, and #justice....


The Court of #TrumpVirus and protectors of the Ginni/MAGA cult... intervened to do their favorite President a favor...
As Jack Smith is put on hold, if not notice. 💅 (Can't find a nail-biting emoji...). 👿 vs ⚖️ #justice and #democracy

US Supreme Court to decide Trump criminal immunity claim in 2020 election case

"Supreme Power Corrupts Supremely"
#SCOTUS #GQP #TrumpVirus #Autocracy #Oligarchy #Jan6 #Justice #Accountability #Truth


I feel like this should be … Breaking News!

Jack Smith Files "Motion for Reconsideration and Stay' - regarding Cannon's ruling(s) about classified evidence (not actually law)

In between end-of-week, ongoing noise pollution by grating voices, lies across the media, and tribalism gone amok…
This seems to have been gotten lost in the mix - maybe part of the whole ‘counter-programming’ of screens and minds?

This here. IMM, is one of the most important (as in meaningful) events since #Jan6, with quietly-waiting Angel of #Justice, Jack Smith -mostly silent. But he's been working to stop Judge Cannon from obstructing AND/or violating or misunderstanding law.

Not sure what will pop up ‘here’ if I share a link - will be happy if the Post post displays…
**This is Jack Smith's filing (.pdf)

Thin-slice: Jack Smith’s ready to go and is tired of Cannon’s obstruction and disregard for (actual) law!

#TrumpVirus #Cannon #GQP #Jan6 #documents #treason #Jan6 #justice #accountability #JackSmith #Espionage


Republicans Who Screamed About A Crisis On The Border Now Oppose A Plan To Fix It

Many on the right claim the U.S. is being "invaded" by migrants but also want to wait until Donald Trump is elected president again to stop it.

#Hypocrisy much?
#TrumpVirus #doublespeak of the Year
And it's only January.

Is there anything - ONE thing - positive the #GQP #cult has done, for We the People?

What exactly are #MAGAmike and the House toadies for Trump FOR? What (anything at all) have they done FOR ANYONE??
Besides the whim of Sir Stable Genius, who expects Congress to be a show intended to highlight HIS 'thoughts' and wants.

The Congressional #TrumpVirus coalition has forbidden successful legislating for anyone/anything if it displeases the "false god" of moral and public policy as instructed by The Boss, the epitome of evil, abandoning things like #truth, #respect, & #sanity. One might think that if a solution for ANYTHING would be pleasing even to Solomon, and reflect the democratic ideals of debate, compromise, and dogged focus on the wellbeing of service to country, planet, and the betterment of ACTUAL (empirical) reality in real life.... But no...

#CancunCruz, #MAGAmike, #MTG and the in-house/outhouse crazy/me-me-me brigade are not about to let ANYTHING that benefits everyone pass. Rather, it's all about handing Biden defeats on his many great proposals with bipartisan backing. Because... #GOP stands for smearing and jumping up and down to incite 'the base' base, a two-sided world (like the 'split personality' and tribalism our national traumatized mind has morphed into), it's "us vs. them" and nothing else, for what was a "party of Lincoln" and now is just a malevolent #cult.


Cartoon by Clay Jones 🎯

He might as well share the throne with #MAGAmike and the #GQP resident #cult in Congress. Sir #TrumpVirus still thinks he's in the throne room as he recycles "It's a bad deal!", and incites burning it all down, rather than actually dealing with #truth, 1/2 of Congress & We the People of the U.S.A. (and the world he is capable of adversely impacting).

Context for anyone not following. The U.S. budget must be quickly approved or there will be disruptions/melt-down & pointing fingers.
What this captures is the GQP crazy- #cult - #MTG, #Gaetz, #CancunCruz etc - have been screaming "We're only interested in immigration!" as they hold everything else hostage. So a bipolar - oops, slip, - bipartisan bill should please everyone and was on the verge of passing. But.... Emperor StableGenius has been instructing MAGA Mike to insist on scorched-earth in Congress, doing nothing at all (beyond obstructing/delaying, Trump-style), no progress or even functioning, really, except Hunter & fake impeachments.

It's like Donald never left. And in a way..... He's still the clear #cult (nee "party) Boss, and there's nothing else, they're all infected....



Meet the Press - January 28, 2024

This today, on Nikki Haley, or as Lord #TrumpVirus calls her, Nanci Pelosi... or is it Melania?
So much going on in that "Beautiful Mind".


Nikki Haley’s campaign against Donald Trump reached a new phase with five crucial words in her “Meet The Press” interview on Sunday: “I absolutely trust the jury.”

#DonnyDemento #TrumpVirus #cognitive #election #NikkiHaley #psychopathology #GQP #cult