

ico #GrafX2 - The #ultimate 256-color #painting #program


GrafX2 is a #bitmap #paint program inspired by the #Amiga #programs ​#DeluxePaint and #Brilliance. Specialized in 256-color drawing, it includes a very large number of tools and effects that make it particularly suitable for pixel art, #game #graphics, and generally any detailed graphics painted with a mouse.

The program is mostly developed on #Haiku, #Linux and #Windows, but is also #portable on many other #platforms.



La semaine dernière, le label Naviar Records a sélectionné un de mes poèmes pour faire l’objet de leur #haiku challenge. Ce défi hebdomadaire consiste à composer un morceau de #musique à partir d’un tercet à la manière japonaise. En tout, dix-huit participants se sont lancés dans l’illustration sonore de ces quelques vers :
The scent of a rose / In the forgotten greenhouse, / A fluttering ghost.
L’odeur d’une rose / Dans la serre abandonnée, / Fantôme qui flotte.

#poésie #poème #music #ambient #experimental #electronic #naviarrecords


when canary coughs,

do not wait for it to die,

wise miners leave mine.

n_n ^ #haiku 'd verson of this sentiment long beheld from my own high #sensitivity #experience

wise miners leave the mine when the canary coughs.

#canary #wisdom #poetry #575 #poem #poems #haikus #digitspoems #prudence #caution #wise #playitsafe
thought occurred while overhearing Chris Reck's bit here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-_oMYIb2ds
sensitivity a gift, not a flaw.

when someone complains of something causing harm, wiser to heed their warning than abuse them in hubris and ignorance for being "weak".



Just finished reading two haiku 'instructional' books over the weekend and can't say I recommend either one...a few brief minor gleanings in each but otherwise unremarkable. Better to just read and study haiku them selves IMO

Seeds from a Birch Tree: Writing Haiku and the Spiritual Journey: 25th Anniversary Edition: Revised & Expanded by Clark Strand

Three Simple Lines: A Writer’s Pilgrimage into the Heart and Homeland of Haiku by Natalie Goldberg

Both are more self-absorbed memoirs than helpful instructional books....but if your into that and the somewhat connection between zen and haiku then be my guest!

#books #haiku #nonfiction


Cela faisait un moment que je n’avais pas participé au #haiku challenge de Naviar Records qui consiste à créer une #musique à partir d’un poème. Rédigé par le musicien Stan Magendanz, celui de cette semaine m’a fait penser à un #yokai du nom de okuri chôchin (送り提灯). Cette association d’idées m'a conduit à tisser quelques notes par dessus ces mots :

Paper lantern bright,
Floating in the dark night sky,
Guiding spirits home.


#Musolepsie #musique #music #ambient #experimental #folk