

LIVIO KOROBASE + A LIMB @ Cat's CIRCUS - Friday July 15

Concert in Second Life - Cat's Circus


Link to the concert: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nitida/205/69/4001

Click on the fire hydrant to get a tp (or ask MReblack or Mylene Renoir for one)


His work explores the relationship between emerging sexualities and football chants. With influences as diverse as Caravaggio and Miles Davis, new variations are distilled from both constructed and discovered narratives.
Ever since he was a pre-adolescent he has been fascinated by the endless oscillation of the mind. What starts out as triumph soon becomes corrupted into a tragedy of futility,

For those who don't know yet, Livio is also an avid user of art concepts online generators :-D


2:00pm SLT: A LIMB

A Limb is a kind of artistic Frankenstein, exhuming all sorts of music corpses from their graves, stitching an ambient body with funk legs, punk feet, experimental arms, jazz hands, a drone head, inserting a big ethnic music heart and krautrock lungs... then bathing the whole "body" into a dub effects bath, until an electro thunderbolt strikes it and... omg... it's... alive! Hmm.. sometimes science goes too far, but it's too late to back-pedal...


KALYCA McCALLEN will do the visuals for both concerts (If she manages to free herself)

Originally from the Bay Area, Kalyca's creativity has always been colorful. As long as she can remember, she has been a performer, an artist, and an adventurer.

In the late '80s/ early 90's she took to the road, going to many different music festivals throughout California, as well as following the Grateful Dead for some time, selling tie-dyes, jewelry and paintings she created while on the road.

Once she settled down, she worked as a designer and painter at a rubber stamp company.

Kalyca has worked with many mediums over the years: dyes, paints, metals, and wood. As well as making incense and jewelry.

At the beginning of 2007, she joined her second life and found a new way to practice art.

Kalyca's is striving to learn and create continuously.


#secondlife #experimental #drone #industrial #virtualworld #improv #concert #dub #improvisation #electro #jazz #musician #composer #soundcloud #music #electronic #cinematic #krautrock #psychedelic #repetitive


A LIMB + Kalyca McCallen @ CAMP ITALIA - Wednesday June 29

Concert in Second Life + particles show - Camp Italia

Camp Italia

A new Grand Opening of the Summer Event Area and Art Galleries with the artist Selen Minotaur and her "Meta 3D" Exhibit, with music by the musician A Limb and particles by Kalyca Mc Callen.

Camp Italia 29th of June 2022 - 2:00PM SLT

Direct SLurl:
or teleport> Auditorium

2:00pm SLT: A LIMB

A Limb is a kind of artistic Frankenstein, exhuming all sorts of music corpses from their graves, stitching an ambient body with funk legs, punk feet, experimental arms, jazz hands, a drone head, inserting a big ethnic music heart and krautrock lungs... then bathing the whole "body" into a dub effects bath, until an electro thunderbolt strikes it and... omg... it's... alive! Hmm.. sometimes science goes too far, but it's too late to back-pedal...

If you can't connect to Second Life, you can still listen to the concert by copy/pasting the audio stream link in your web browser:

kalyca McCallen - Visuals

Originally from the Bay Area, Kalyca’s creativity has always been colorful. As long as she can remember, she has been a performer, an artist, and an adventurer. In the late ’80s/ early 90’s she took to the road, going to many different music festivals throughout California, as well as following the Grateful Dead for some time, selling tie-dyes, jewelry and paintings she created while on the road. Once she settled down, she worked as a designer and painter at a rubber stamp company.

Kalyca has worked with many mediums over the years: dyes, paints, metals, and wood. As well as making incense and jewelry.

At the beginning of 2007, she joined her second life and found a new way to practice art. She started in Second life taking pictures and designing landscapes. In 2011, she opened Oogabooga: Art and Music, which featured many great artists and musicians, until it was closed in early 2013. In 2017, she and proton d-oo-b, created “Urban Light Explosion” at LEA8.

More recently, she has shown her art in several galleries, including Galley 23 (2019) and the Surreal Gallery (2019).

She and proton d-oo-b, formed Alchemelic: Music and Art (2017) They perform across Second Life, utilizing proton’s music and Kalyca’s art. They also are collaborating on new art projects.

Kalyca’s is striving to learn and create continuously.


#secondlife #experimental #drone #industrial #virtualworld #improv #concert #dub #improvisation #electro #dream #jazz #lounge #musician #composer #soundcloud #thespamconnection #music #electronic #cinematic #krautrock #psychedelic #repetitive


Otomo Yoshihide - Zebulon, Los Angeles (2019)

36:17 min live #music #video

Otomo #Yoshihide was a pioneering figure in the Electroacoustic Improvisation scene, and today is a musician and producer – a cross-genre music maker actively performing free #improvisation, #noise, and pop, simultaneously and independently on a global scale. As a film composer, he has produced over 100 pieces of music for visual, film, and television works. In recent years, he has been making musical pieces and organizing a unique style of concert, mainly in collaboration with various artists and non-musicians under the name of "Ensembles." Additionally, he has been committed to music workshops and participatory projects with challenged children. He also extends his endeavors beyond the borders of music, including "Project FUKUSHIMA!," which started after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Otomo was artistic directer of Sapporo International Art Festival 2017 and Ensembles Asia for the Asian Music Network.


Impromptu June 8, 2022

Impromptu June 8, 2022

I've started a shared public folder where I'll try to put my recordings of my improvisations, so they're publicly available online. I long since ran out of room on Soundcloud. Ideally this will allow for more space. It's not about all the social features of Soundcloud anyways. It's just about giving people a chance to hear what's going on right now with me musically.

Feel free to listen personally. Do not re-use in any media. Besides, it will be old and out of date in no time. Improv music is like that. It has a shelf life. Best listened to date: June 29, 2022. Yeah, 3 weeks is about right. Much will be different by then.

The key thing is to enjoy. Let the music do whatever it's going to do. If it doesn't, move on. If it does... At some point, I really need to get a Patreon. It's not like I'm ever not going to keep doing this. I'd imagine I'm going to improv on piano until the day I die.

#music #piano #improvisation #classical


#politics #justice #keithlamar #deathpenalty #loveistheonlyfreedom #solidarity #ohio #usa

Justice for Keith LaMar

Keith LaMar is a death row prisoner who was wrongfully convicted in the State of Ohio. On November 16, 2023, the State intends to execute him, even though he has maintained his innocence for nearly three decades, all while being held in indefinite solitary confinement. In the aftermath of the 1993 Lucasville Prison Uprising, the State of Ohio was under public pressure to clean up a multi-million dollar mess, one that included the death of a prison guard and multiple prisoners. After State investigators trampled the crime scene and contaminated any and all potential evidence, they paid jailhouse informants to create a false narrative that implicated Keith, even though he wasn’t affiliated with any of the groups involved in the riot. To bolster their claim, the State withheld evidence that would have proven his innocence (including the confession of an actual perpetrator who admitted to murdering one of Keith’s alleged victims). His trial was staged in a remote Ohio community known to be highly racist. Any Black prospective jurors were promptly dismissed by the Prosecution, leaving Keith’s fate in the hands of an all-White jury, who swiftly sentenced him to death. more
- Petition to FREE Keith LaMar, Wrongfully Convicted Death-Row Prisoner

#music #jazz #poetry #deathrow #improvisation #solidarity

"Be Free" by Keith LaMar & Albert Marquès #FreedomFirst


Mohammed Eghbal

Probably the most beautiful sounding flute on earth is the Persian ney (the Ottoman has a mouth piece that makes it less interesting). I play the Japanese Shakuhachi, but I am tempted to acquire some of these reeds and learn the flute-in-mouth technique. After we talked about it, a friend of mine, who thought he might connect to his Iranian heritage by starting to play some flute, looked into it, but was discouraged by how cumbersome it is to have a wooden woodwind. The combination of wood and the moist of your breath is not a good one :) But he and his family might help me out as they speak Farsi and I don't :)

#music #improvisation #MohammedEghbal #Ahura #Ahuraproject #ney #flute #Iran #Persia #Persian


#music #improvisation

Weavings by V/A

  • feat. Aho Ssan, Ka Baird, Angel Bat Dawid, Ellen Fullman, Dirar Kalash, Księżyc, Laraaji, Nicolás Jaar , Resina, Paweł Szamburski, Juliana Huxtable, Rolando Hernández Guzmán, and Wukir Suryadi and Rully Shabara of Senyawa

The work was recorded in one sitting without a break on 30th November, for the Unsound 2020 online edition, with performers joining from around the world using Zoom and a high resolution audio plug-in. Jaar had less than 24 hours to mix the work into a whole, then streamed it live from his own computer as the first performance of the festival. Remarkably, the stream felt like an event, referencing Unsound opening shows in the theatres of Krakow.


A LIMB (music) and KALYCA (visuals): QUANTUM GATE OPENING AT SLEA - Friday February 18

Concert in Second Life - Cat's Circus

A Limb concert

2pm SLT: A LIMB will play for the opening of a new music space called Quantum Gate, with visuals by Kalyca.

Link to the Quantum Gate:

If you can't connect to Second Life, you can still listen to the concert by listening to the audio stream:

#secondlife #experimental #drone #industrial #virtualworld #improv #concert #dub #improvisation #electro #dream #jazz #lounge #musician #composer #soundcloud #music #electronic #cinematic #soundscape #postmodern #psychedelic #visuals #particles #digitalart