

Un procès insensé : “L’Internet Archive a un cœur, et sait s’en servir”

Lorsque j'ai entendu parler des poursuites judiciaires pour non-respect du droit d’auteur intentées le 1er juin 2020 aux États-Unis par quatre grands éditeurs (Hachette, Penguin Random House, Wiley, HarperCollins) à l’Internet Archive pour son Open Library, et ce en pleine pandémie, je n’arrivais pas à y croire. Et ce mauvais rêve se transforme en cauchemar puisqu'un procès retentissant doit débuter le 12 novembre 2021.
* https://actualitte.com/article/101537/humeurs/un-proces-insense-l-internet-archive-a-un-coeur-et-sait-s-en-servir
#InternetArchive #free #ebooks


The Internet Is Rotting - Too much has been lost already. The glue that holds humanity’s knowledge together is coming undone, and it's affecting court cases and more

As far back as 2001, a team at Princeton University studied the persistence of web references in scientific articles, finding that the raw number of URLs contained in academic articles was increasing but that many of the links were broken, including 53 percent of those in the articles they had collected from 1994. Thirteen years later, six researchers created a data set of more than 3.5 million scholarly articles about science, technology, and medicine, and determined that one in five no longer points to its originally intended source. In 2016, an analysis with the same data set found that 75 percent of all references had drifted.

Deletion isn’t the only issue. Not only can information be removed, but it also can be changed. Before the advent of the internet, it would have been futile to try to change the contents of a book after it had been long published.

So yes it is a very real problem and due to the decentralised nature of the Internet sites, blogs, books, and even government sites get deleted and changed. On the site/hosting side this will not change, so right now our hope really lies in the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine (and that it keeps getting funding) and efforts like Amberlink, as it is unlikely that any legislation will change this reality. The fact is, we are doomed to lose a lot of human knowledge though the Internet, at least for now.

See The Internet Is Rotting

#technology #archiving #knowledge #internetarchive #waybackmachine


Too much has been lost already. The glue that holds humanity’s knowledge together is coming undone.



Internet Archive: Announcing a National Emergency Library to Provide Digitized Books to Students and the Public

To address our unprecedented global and immediate need for access to reading and research materials, as of today, March 24, 2020, the Internet Archive will suspend waitlists for the 1.4 million (and growing) books in our lending library by creating a National Emergency Library to serve the nation’s displaced learners. This suspension will run through June 30, 2020, or the end of the US national emergency, whichever is later. ...

And for the pedants (we love you!):

A final note on calling this a “National Emergency” Library. We lend to the world, including these books. We chose that language deliberately because we are pegging the suspension of the waitlists to the duration of the US national emergency. Users all over the world have equal access to the books now available, regardless of their location.


#InternetArchive #ArchiveOrg #libraries #covid19


Archive Team are 59% through their stretch goal of archiving G+ Communities

"Googleplus2" a/k/a G2 is a project to archive all public G+ community content. This was a "stretch" goal of the Google+ archiving project.

The tracker here shows the full project, there are 81,270 or so work sets of 100 communities, and as of a few moments ago, the project was at 59% complete, with about 6 hours left to run at present rates.

The contents should appear at the Internet Archive in about a month or so, it'll take time to move it all there.

Tracker status below:


#googleplus #gplusrefugees #plexodus #archiveTeam #internetArchive


I'm just sitting here watching the smaps go round and round...

The Archive Team Google+ project tracker is smoking.


And it's got to go faster.

Grab a Warrior and pitch in if you can!

(Got bandwidth, storage, CPU, and modest l33t ski1z? You can help!)


#GooglePlus #GplusRefugees #Plexodus #ArchiveTeam #InternetArchive #GoogleMinus