

If the pro-Russian coup in Niger is a success, it is EXTREMELY serious for #Europe. - Daniel Foubert

"France absolutely did not expect to be ousted from Niger (4th country…). 1/3 of uranium ☢️ used by #France comes from #Niger

Congrats Emmanuel. Add #Chad, & this will be #Russia’s new colonial empire:
Why do I say it is pro-Rus?

In these countries, you need an overlord. That’s how it works.

In 3 countries: coup —> the new junta asks France to get out —> asks Russia to come in.

They don’t have the organizational structures not to be pro-Fr or pro-Ru. There is nothing in between.

“Last year, Niger became the hub of France's anti-jihadist operations in the #Sahel.

The mission was reconfigured after French forces quit #Mali and #BurkinaFaso after falling out with the ruling #juntas in those countries.”

Look at the geostrategic/military importance of controlling the heartland.

De Gaulle would spit out his coffee if you told him that Fr lost all that."

#africa #politics #imperialism #opinion