

If I must die,
you must live
to tell my story
to sell my things
to buy a piece of cloth
and some strings,
(make it white with a long tail)
so that a child, somewhere in Gaza
while looking heaven in the eye
awaiting his dad who left in a blaze—
and bid no one farewell
not even to his flesh
not even to himself—
sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above
and thinks for a moment an angel is there
bringing back love
If I must die
let it bring hope
let it be a tale

--- Refaat Alareer

#RefaatAlareer #death #Gaza #genocide #kite #angel #love


"On September 18, a #partial Lunar #Eclipse accompanies the #Full #Moon in #purvabhabrapada. The Moon conjoins #Neptune, and the two form the apex of a harmonious #kite figure with the #Sun, #Pluto, and #Uranus. #Mercury and #Saturn are in exact opposition to each other. #Jupiter is still in tense aspects to the Moon and Mercury.

The mystical quality of time calls upon us to keep an eye on our boundaries and limitations. If your life’s inner and outer structures are stable, you can receive vital impulses during these days, the fruits of which will be welcome in the coming weeks. Unstable situations and circumstances, on the other hand, may call for a fundamental reorientation. The signs of the times are excellent for restructuring, as indicated by the Sun-Uranus trine on September 19."
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Важные новости биофармы второй половины 2022 года

В 2022 году FDA одобрило 36 новых лекарств — 22 низкомолекулярных вещества и 14 биопрепаратов (плюс четыре лекарства передовой терапии, о них ниже). Это меньше, чем в последние годы, причём за счёт малых молекул. Из 36 одобренных лекарств 11 — онкологические препараты, 8 — для лечения аутоиммунных заболеваний, 4 — для лечения инфекционных, 3 — расстройств ЦНС, два офтальмологических препарата, один сердечно-сосудистый. 22 […]

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