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The book "De Klimaatoptimist" ("The Climate Optimist") by Dutch 🇳🇱 Science Writer Arnout Jaspers
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00:31The book "De Klimaatoptimist" ("The Climate Optimist") by Arnout Jaspers has received positive reception, with significant pre-orders indicating strong interest.
01:13Arnout Jaspers' new book "De Klimaatoptimist" was written independently of current governmental shifts, though it resonates with potential future policies.02:37The new Dutch coalition's climate policy shifts are notable but lack a clear radical change akin to the stikstofbeleid reforms.04:01Arnout Jaspers advocates for halting new wind #turbine installations and starting construction of nuclear power plants in the #Netherlands.05:40The lack of clarity in the coalition's decision to explore four nuclear plants instead of providing clear rationale or addressing #wind #power reduction is highlighted.08:23Arnout Jaspers promotes a balanced perspective as a "climate optimist," emphasizing both local adaptation efforts and effective global climate change mitigation strategies.09:06He distinguishes between climate mitigation (reducing CO2 emissions globally) and adaptation (adjusting locally to climate impacts), stressing their respective importance and benefits.11:28Arnout Jaspers debunks the notion that the Netherlands' low-lying geography necessitates stricter CO2 reductions, advocating instead for pragmatic local adaptation measures.12:51Nuclear power and wind turbines produce the same electricity, yet there's widespread misinformation around nuclear energy in climate discussions.14:18Government's changes in wind farm plans are minimal despite cutting some subsidies, except for solar panel usage which faces a complete shift by 2027.15:11Homeowners will no longer be forced to install heat pumps, a financial relief, while subsidies for renewable energy remain largely intact.19:46Reacting to panic rather than planning effectively, Germany's nuclear shutdowns led to increased CO2 emissions and environmental damage.24:09Green hydrogen is crucial for storing excess renewable energy, although its production efficiency remains a significant challenge.26:15The cost of renewable energy has not been honestly calculated due to the undeveloped state of the green hydrogen economy worldwide.26:44Green hydrogen should not be relied upon to stabilize electricity provision; nuclear power is more suitable for this role.27:10Green hydrogen is useful as a chemical feedstock in industries like fertilizer and cement to reduce CO2 emissions.28:20The hype around hydrogen, particularly green hydrogen, overlooks its current production methods' carbon emissions.29:01The push for a hydrogen economy started prematurely before viable green energy sources like wind and solar were widespread.30:09Complete fossil fuel elimination is unrealistic; sectors like heavy transport and aviation cannot currently operate fully on electricity.31:18The goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 lacks scientific basis; significant emission reductions (70-80%) already cool the planet due to natural carbon absorption.32:41The political goal of net-zero emissions is driven more by ambition than scientific necessity, leading to unrealistic global targets.35:45Biomass burning, particularly from imported sources, for energy generation in the Netherlands has been widely criticized and is considered unsustainable.38:04The Dutch gas phase-out policy is viewed as ineffective and lacks clear rationale, especially given natural gas's relatively low emissions compared to other fossil fuels.40:07Biomass heating networks often rely on backup gas plants, contradicting claims of being gas-free.41:02Biomass was mistakenly grouped as renewable with wind and solar, but it's unsustainable and emits CO2.41:29Advocating 100% renewable energy is ideological rather than practical; a mix with nuclear energy is more sensible.42:10Public sentiment against large industrial installations clashes with the reality of necessary infrastructure like wind turbines.42:38Public resistance to wind turbines is growing, even in green-leaning neighborhoods, highlighting the disconnect between ideology and practicality in energy policy.
Arnout Jaspers (1958) is a freelance science journalist and is often the last resort in editorial offices when it comes to topics in which hermetic formulas or statistics play an important role. After studying physics in Leiden, he worked for Natuur & Techniek, NRC Handelsblad and de Volkskrant, and recently for VPRO and NTR. Although hero worship is not in his nature, Albert Einstein and Richard Feynman are two sources of inspiration, also because of their talent for the catchy one-liner. Take this from Feynman: 'Science is a way of trying not to fool yourself.' Every physicist is half a mathematician, which came in handy during the six years that he was editor-in-chief of the mathematics magazine Pythagoras. As a culmination of his irresponsibly time-consuming hobby - designing brainteasers - he published the collection Occam's Labyrinth in 2012.
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Ein steuerbarer Motor aus DNA-Molekülen rotiert in einer winzigen Pore – angetrieben von Strömung oder elektrischen Feldern. Die Maschine soll eines Tages Nanofabriken antreiben.#Nanorobotik #DNA #Motor #Biophysik #Moleküle #DNA-Origami #Energie #Energiespeicher #Rotor #Turbine #Gradient # #Physik #Biologie
Eine winzige Turbine aus DNA
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Inflight Restart without starter power ?
Some channels i watch are a bit of a acquired taste. No need to explain further really. But anyways...
AgentJayZ again kills it with a very interesting video for all tech and physics nerds out there.
Can you restart a turbine, turbojet or turbofan (most likely) engine without any auxiliary power besides onboard batteries and maybe a bit of electricity from the Ram Air Turbine which bigger jets use in case of a emergency?
**spoilers start here**
What does that mean? Imagine, you're in a jet somehow. And not only both engines quit, but you're actually unable to start the APU (Auxillary Power Unit, it's own tiny turbine-generator). So you got no real options left but use the windmilling of your turbine to get it up to speeds where you can inject fuel and actually start it.
Tl;dr: This scenario is _EXTREMELY_ unlikely, just on the grounds that usually no engine quits for no reason.. But if you are there.
Well, it's not good ..... but _might_ just be possible.... Most probably killing the engine along the way. (You will necessarily overheat it in the process and shorten it's lifetime massively. ;))
O.k. sorry, enough technobabble.
**spoilers end**
If you like to skip the rambling at the beginning and 3 other questions and outright start with the main topic, use these links:
(Starting at minute 8:51 ;))
#AgentJayZ #Youtube #Invidious #Turbine #Engine #EngineOut #TurboJet #TurboFan #Aviation #Physics #Engineering #Emergency #APU #RandomShit ;)
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Vestas Captures 73 MW Order for V110-2.0 MW Wind Turbines
Vestas has received a 73 MW order to repower an undisclosed wind project in the U.S. The order consists of 33 V110-2.0 MW wind turbines in 2.2 MW operating mode, which will replace the site’s current technology.
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So weit ich informiert bin ist diese besagte #Turbine in Deutschland,, aber #Putin soll weiterhin als der #pöse, pöse verbleiben.
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Maximales Drehmoment auf Twitter: „Was lezde Prais??? #ebaykleinanzeigen !B“ / Twitter
Jemand Interesse and der Turbine?
#NordStream1 #putin #Turbine
Was lezde Prais???#ebaykleinanzeigen
— Maximales Drehmoment (@MaximalesD) August 4, 2022
Es ist zum Totlachen: Die #Turbine, die in #Kanada gewartet wurde, hängt nun in #Deutschland fest. Problem: Den russischen Behörden (Zoll) fehlen noch Formulare für den #Import. Die Deutschen halten das für einen Vorwand und sagen, so etwas sei Routine:
Nach Angaben des Herstellers Siemens Energy ist alles für den Transport vorbereitet, die Lieferung könne sofort starten. Das Unternehmen "hatte bereits Anfang letzter Woche alle erforderlichen Dokumente für die Ausfuhr von Deutschland nach Russland vorliegen und Gazprom darüber auch informiert", heißt es in einem Statement. "Was allerdings fehlt, sind erforderliche Zolldokumente für den Import nach Russland." Diese Informationen könnten nur vom Kunden bereitgestellt werden. [...]
Der Kunde hat derzeit aber offenbar nicht vor, die Turbine zu übernehmen. Gazprom begründet das mit fehlenden Unterlagen. Es sei nicht klar, ob die Lieferung nicht doch gegen kanadische Sanktionen verstoße. Außerdem gebe es Fragen hinsichtlich von durch die EU und Großbritannien gegen Russland verhängte Sanktionen. Das sei nicht nur ein Problem bei der Lieferung dieser Turbine, sondern auch für die Wartung weiterer Aggregate.
Wer schon mal mit deutschen Behörden zu tun hatte, der lacht sich doch scheckig darüber. Gerade die deutschen Behörden brauchen doch für fast alles ziemlich lange und die Bürokratie ist vermutlich nirgends so ausufernd, wie das in Deutschland der Fall ist. Und wehe, es fehlen irgendwelche Dokumente, dann bekommst du weder eine Baugenehmigung noch Arbeitslosengeld. Aber vielleicht ist das dann auch nur ein Vorwand? ;)
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Nord Stream: Sorge um das Gas aus dem Osten | DW | 21.07.2022
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Es fließt wieder Gas aus Russland durch Nord Stream 1, aber stark gedrosselt. Die Bundesregierung reagiert mit weiteren Energiesparmaßnahmen. Putin sei ein unsichererer Kantonist in der Energieversorgung.#Gas #Russland #NordStream #Gaspipeline #WladimirPutin #Siemens #Turbine #Wartung #Lieferstopp
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Seit dem 11. Juli floss kein Gas aus Russland durch Nord Stream 1. Die Pipeline wurde - wie jedes Jahr - gewartet. Jetzt kommt wieder Gas, doch es ist nicht klar, ob der Gashahn je wieder ganz aufgedreht wird.#Gas #Russland #NordStream #Gaspipeline #WladimirPutin #Siemens #Turbine #Wartung #Lieferstopp
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