

Melodic #Techno #live #performance, #Yamaha #rm1x, #SY35 and #Korg #Microsampler - #rm1xapm

This track is called "F and M", a kind of melodic techno 1998 style #mix. For this #track I used the #FM part of the SY 35 in my #setup to shape the #bass line (didn't use the vector stuff) and the Korg Microsampler to play the #vocal #sample. As usual it is all sequenced and performed live through the rm1x.

The harmonics of the vocals are created by layering notes using the rm1x onboard midi delay and octaver. To add some depth I ran it through a #Behringer FX unit.

#music #musique


#Korg #MS2000 | Is It Worth It? - Alamo #Music #AudioLab

oday, Zach is taking a look at a virtual analog synth from the year 2000-- the Korg MS2000. While it has some nostalgic factors and hallmark features of this time, how does it fare 21 years later? Take a listen to the demos and let us know what you think!

#synth #synthesizer #synthétiseur


Understanding FM synthesis (and the Korg Volca FM)

If you have a #Korg #Volca FM synthesizer, or are considering getting one, or just like synthesizers, this might be of interest to you.

I've had my VFM for quite a while now. But I never really took the time to understand how it works, until yesterday. Which turns out to be a big shame, because it's an absolutely incredible little device.

First I watched this video about FM synthesis to understand the basic concept, and how it's different from the subtractive synthesis used in analog synthesizers.

After that I watched all the videos in this playlist about sound design on the Volca FM, to understand how to use the VFM.

I can't wait to waste endless nights tweaking sounds on this one.


I'm probably late to the party, but I stumbled upon the #Arturia #Beatstep Pro (link) yesterday and immediately fell in love with it. It looks like the perfect match for controlling a few #Korg #Volca|s and allows for some more interesting sequencing than the 16 steps of the Volcas, while still not having to include a computer in the setup. Anyone with some experience with this beauty who can say some wise words about it?