

My wife was looking at the properties of #ellipses such as the one where the sum of the distance of all points on the #ellipse from the two foci are the same and how that relates to the standard equation of an ellipse and so I showed her using my scribbly #handwriting and untidy drawings. Unfortunately, it didn't quite hit home and so I wrote these notes up neatly using #LaTeX, which did do the trick.

To put it up here, I converted the #PostScript pages to #PNG format using #GNU #Gimp and the figure was produced using #Tgif.

Page 1 of notes
Page 2 of notes
Page 3 of notes

#Mathematics #Geometry #TwoDimensional #PlaneCurve #CartesianCoordinates #CCBYSA


March 09, 2022 – JabRef Accepted for Google Summer of Code 2022

Great news! JabRef got accepted as an open source organization for this year’s Google Summer of Code (GSoC). The goal of this annual program is to give university students and now in 2022, for the first time, other people the opportunity to learn about and get involved in open source development. People will work three months on a project for an open source organization and are mentored by members of the project. It is a great honor for JabRef to be part of this program for the third time.

#jabref #latex #bibtex #java #openSource #gsoc



December 20, 2021 – 🎄 JabRef 5.4 Release 🎄

We are proud to announce the release of the next milestone of JabRef, this time JabRef 5.4, just in time for the holidays! It’s been roughly half a year since the previous release of 5.3, and we are happy to announce that despite the still ongoing Covid-19 waves we were all fortunately able to continue working on JabRef.

#jabref #latex #openSource #academics



Si vous travaillez pour une administration française, il vous est possible d’accélérer le développement de JabRef : allez sur la page Etalab et CentraleSupélec lancent le BlueHats Semester of Code – Etalab 1
et proposez JabRef comme projet. Rien d’autre à faire (les stagiaires seront gérés par CentraleSupélec)

If you are working for a French administration, there is a possibility to foster JabRef development: Please visit Etalab et CentraleSupélec lancent le BlueHats Semester of Code – Etalab 1 and propose JabRef as a candidate project. Nothing else to do from your side (internships will be managed by CentraleSupélec).

It would be cool if you suggest JabRef!

#jabref #latex #bibtex


JabRef 5.3 released!

We are proud to announce the release of the next milestone of JabRef, this time JabRef 5.3! It’s been roughly half a year since the previous release of 5.2, and we are happy to announce that despite Covid-19 we were all fortunately able to continue working on JabRef. We are also happy to have two students working as part of Google Summer of Code on some cool new features.

#jabref #bibtex #latex #openSource
