March 09, 2022 – JabRef Accepted for Google Summer of Code 2022
Great news! JabRef got accepted as an open source organization for this year’s Google Summer of Code (GSoC). The goal of this annual program is to give university students and now in 2022, for the first time, other people the opportunity to learn about and get involved in open source development. People will work three months on a project for an open source organization and are mentored by members of the project. It is a great honor for JabRef to be part of this program for the third time.
#jabref #latex #bibtex #java #openSource #gsoc
Gulag Maps as a product name was always amusing in a sick sort of way, more so than Gulag Search, Gulag Chat, and Gulag Summer of Labour/Work, often abbreviated e.g. #GSoC ... but my new favourite is Gulag Workspace... which means a lot if you know what a Gulag is. #google #gulag #alphabet #pentagon
"If you want to be an NGO, you need to master tunnel vision." https://social.coop/@gert/106861931788785263 #google #gsoc #bribery
When your supervisor/mentor is a #microsoft shill from #ibm and you outsource #gsoc to Microsoft #ProprietarySoftware http://allentiak.github.io/posts-output/2021-08-13--gsoc-partial-evaluation-report--clojure.build.tools.in.debian/
Report for #GSoC by Suraj Kumar Mahto (KDE) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/154763#comment-30662 #KDE #deletegithub
Adding Custom Stamps Support To #Okular http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/154763#comment-30658 #kde #gsoc
Arijit Kundu: GSoC 2021 | Faces of GNOME https://arijit-kundu.medium.com/gsoc-2021-faces-of-gnome-8bc05845e064 #gsoc #gnome #gnu #linux
Any #gsoc project that is outsourcing to #github is, in some sense, harming #softwarefreedom and helping a company that attacks #freesw e.g. by encouraging mass #gplviolation http://techrights.org/2021/07/21/microsoft-plots-osi/
Very, very disappointing to see how many #gsoc projects/students outsource their blog and work to #microsoft #proprietarySoftware ATTACK ON FREE SOFTWARE. Their mentor and #google should teach them to #deletegithub rather than go there... http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Delete_Github
Why outsource a #GSoC blog to #Microsoft #proprietarysoftware when you already, as part of the project, use a self-hosted #GitLab instance? Mentors should explain to students that #GitHub is freedom's enemy. https://dnuka.github.io/gsoc21-final-report.html
" #GDB MI allows applications to connect to GDB without actually running it from the terminal, this is how frontends talks to GDB. Most of the time this is how users actually use GDB for debugging." #gnu #debugger #freesw #programming https://da-viper.github.io/post/week9kdesoc/ #deletegithub #gsoc
#libreoffice #GSoC Weekly Report - 100 Paper Cuts https://bayramcicek.com.tr/libreoffice-dev/2021/08/08/week-09-gsoc.html