


my commentary on the fake indian Pocahantas #Warren's comments.

during the #covid #plannedemic shutdowns (which YOU supported, Lizzy),
big #corporations (which donate to YOUR re-election)
with no #competition (due to YOUR heavy #taxes and #regulations which cut out the little guy from competition)
raised prices because they could (because YOU've been asleep at the antitrust wheel), as well as raising prices because you shut down all the supply lines, moved our manufacturing overseas, and now America can't even make a pair of socks, let alone bacon.

How'd we end up with these #megacorps besides through YOU turning a blind eye to their excesses because they donated to your campaign? yes: some of us can still #followthemoney. #Google, #Facebook, #Amazon, #UofC are YOUR donors - not Jim's Grocery or a small gas station. YOU say you're against #BigCorp - but you really just want to pick the winning BigCorp.

Now you want to swoop in with your government power and tell the BigCorp donors that didn't donate to your campaign how much they can charge ALL the time, instead of just in a freak plannedemic that you caused?


MORE government is NEVER the answer. LESS government is ALWAYS the answer.

#LessGovernment #LessLizWarren #LessDemocrats #LessTaxes #Less



Wow, after 25 years of Unix experience, I learned that you can filter output in #less.

Press ampersand (&) and enter a regex to show only lines matching the regex.

Press ampersand (&) and then exclamation mark (!) to apply an inverse filter.

After thirty five years of Unix, I learned something new.



GNU Linux - what to do - if there is no vi and no less - nano can do both

in theory yes, nano can replace vi and less, but in reality, it faults on large amount of data-files-streams

<span style="color: #00ffff;">hostnamectl</span>; # as seen on
   Static hostname: giada
  Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
            Kernel: Linux 4.19.0-17-amd64
      Architecture: x86-64

# example<span style="color: #00ffff;">
wget https://thesquareplanet.com/feed.xml

</span>#  328K? wohoo very "large" file<span style="color: #00ffff;">
du -hs feed.xml 
</span>328K feed.xml<span style="color: #00ffff;">

cat feed.xml | nano -

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #nano #vi #less #bash

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2021/08/19/gnu-linux-what-to-do-if-there-is-no-vi-and-no-less-nano-can-do-both/