always when i read postings here about the #usElections and stupid (there are others!) wannabe #leftwingers claim, that there is no #differnce between #harris and #trump, i am thinking about, how safe #german #communists, #liberals and german #jews felt on the #29.1.1933
you see yourself as a #leftist? i see you in #jail when trump wins
not to mention
#fascism is not #fun, and trump is much worse, no matter from where you come
#lgbtq #pride #happyPride #lgbtqRights #loveWhoeverYouWant #patriarchy #antiPatriarchy #humanRights #lgbtqPride
no matter, if you live in an area, where nobody should know that you are lgbtq or if you are #jewish and afraid in #queer spaces
#civilliberties #lgbtqrights #reproductivefreedom #votingrights #racialjustice #criminallawreform #transgenderpeopleanddiscrimination #transgenderrights #womensrights #humanrightsandwomensrights #womensrightsintheworkplace #humanrights #usa #civilrights #aclu
posted by pod_feeder_v2