The integrity of the Linux ‘blogosphere’ is being compromised by big corporate money; the #LinuxFoundation has intruded many blogs with its #monopoly money (ads and puff pieces galore) • Techrights ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://
After the #LinuxFoundation attacked #LinuxDotcom by firing all the staff and all the editors we’re left with a site called that makes Linux look insignificant, often misused for #Spamnil ’s crude, self-promotional activities • Techrights ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://
#LinuxDotcom Used to Clock Millions of Hits Every Week, But #LinuxFoundation Can Barely Keep Thousands • Techrights ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #Linux | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://
With #Microsoft in Charge, #OpenSSF Seems More Like It’s About Back Doors — Not Real Security — Inside the #LinuxFoundation
#linuxfoundation works for #monopolies (sponsors). Sometimes, just sometimes, that work also helps #linux and its users. Sometimes...
● NEWS ● #PCWorld #Energy #pollution ☞ Microsoft: Keep those PCs on if you want updates The corrupt #linuxfoundation :
Reminder: The #linuxfoundation is using a self-signed certificate. But it's "trusted" because LF (LE) controls the CA. Talk about abuse and #nepotism ... or #imperialism
#mozilla fights for #privacy like #linuxfoundation fights for actual #linux
#LinuxFoundation and #OSI Leftovers (Openwashing PR) • Tux Machines ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines
#LinuxFoundation = instrument or front group by which greedy, monopolistic corporations take over code created by volunteers. Mission aligning with #microsoft and #github ...
The #linuxfoundation does NOT employ black people. The closest it gets to it is Indian-Americans, who help distract from the systemic racism (and imperialism) of #zemlinPAC
#linuxfoundation is trolling and slandering the #gnu #linux community on behalf of #ibm and #microsoft
As shown in the charts above (updated an hour ago), the relative share of #LinuxFoundation (LE/LF; same thing, same office) decreases in #geminispace #internet #security
I've noticed the goal of commercial software is to remove the features that I want and add a flood of features I don't, to the point it becomes unusable and a security nightmare. It's even to the point where I had to avoid free software projects curated by commercial companies (Redhat and their notorious SystemD, Google's Android, etc.) Soon these companies will find a way to muscle their way with CIA precision into the #FSF as they have done with #GitHub #LinuxFoundation
I am astonished people continue to rely on commercial software and truly believe it's easier to use, while battling #malware, #ransomware, and horrific security holes, especially from the disastrous commercial "security software" that doesn't do shit when the whole company was shut down after every Windows computer and server was encrypted for ransom. All that prized confidential documentation now on the dark web, customer contacts, vendor lists, prices, legal correspondence, political correspondence, etc. Boggles my mind why they go deeper into the lethal relationships with commercial vendors.
Over time -- and yes, I realise this MAY take time, as without "advertising" (lying) budgets information does take time to travel and be absorbed! -- more people will understand what #linuxfoundation really is... a misnomer.
#linuxfoundation : a fountain of proprietary #Microsoft lock-in and more fake security with Microsofters involved
Racist #ibm #greenwashing and #openwashing itself another deception campaign from #linuxfoundation
2021: The Biggest Troll is the #LinuxFoundation , Still Looking to Provoke and Defame Free Software Communities in Order to Help a Monopolistic Takeover and to Shoehorn Tyrants Into Leadership Positions • Techrights ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://