

Beware the #distraction #value to #Western #elites of the #Ukrainian situation. #Putin is very likely a member of the #unified #global #elite & his foray into #Ukraine, if indeed it's occurring at all, is very likely planned & has been launched now to move people's attention from the #Covid #crimes of Western elites, onto Putin.

Their #mandates forced #injections into 100s of millions, of which at least 1% died. Their genetically engineered #virus infected billions, of which at least 0.1% died. The percentages are small, but the numbers murdered are in the millions. The numbers injured, some with life-changing injuries, are in the 10s if not 100s of millions.

#vaccinemandates #vaccinedeaths #medicalmandates #vaccineinjuries #massmurder #humanrights #law #USA #UK


An international criminal conspiracy is responsible for committing crimes against humanity by genetically engineering & releasing the virus known as Covid-19 & the subsequent illegal authorisation & use of Covid "vaccines" using propaganda & economic coercion to drive uptake that led to serious injuries & deaths.

#covid #covid19 #coronavirus #fauci #gainoffunction #wuhan #wuhanlab #gainoffunctionresearch #globalism #globalists #neoliberalglobalism #UK #neoliberalism #davos #klausschwab #wef #lockdowns #medicalmandates #vaccinemandate #masks #illegality #socialdistancing #godgivenrights #humanrights #magnacarta #ICCPR #usconstitution #canadiancharter #newzealandconstitution #Australia #crimesagainsthumanity #justice #criminalconspiracy #lawandorder