

Musk sends Twitter CEO poo emoji as relations go down the toilet | Twitter | The Guardian

Elon Musk’s relationship with Twitter’s management has reached a new low after the social media company’s would-be-owner tweeted a poo emoji at the platform’s chief executive.

Maybe they should bring in a grownup.

#technology #tech #internet #SocialNetworking #microblogging #Twitter #ElonMusk



Elon Musk says Twitter deal 'on hold', share price plunges | iMore

Elon Musk says that his bid to buy Twitter is "temporarily on hold" after the company revealed estimates that less than 5% of accounts on the platform are spam bots or fake accounts.
It is likely that the valuation of Twitter as a brand which helped Musk arrive at his $44 billion offer is based in part on monetizable users and revenue, which might be lower than anticipated if 5% of those accounts aren't actually real.

Is this confusing to you, too? Is Musk worried that 5% of the accounts aren't real, or that less than 5% aren't real?

#technology #tech #internet #SocialNetworking #microblogging #Twitter #ElonMusk



Elon Musk Would Reverse Donald Trump's Permanent Ban From Twitter, He Says - Bloomberg

Twitter Inc. was “foolish in the extreme” in kicking former US President Donald Trump off its service, and permanent bans should be extremely rare, said Elon Musk, the billionaire who has agreed to acquire the social media company.
“I would reverse the permanent ban,” Musk said Tuesday at a Financial Times conference. “Perma bans just fundamentally undermine trust in Twitter as a town square where everyone can voice their opinion.”

Welcome to Mastodon folks! Pull up a comfy chair and say hi.

#technology #tech #internet #SocialMedia #microblogging #Twitter #ElonMusk #Mastodon



Twitter: X marks the spot for Elon Musk's growth plans | BBC News

Elon Musk aims to increase Twitter's revenue fivefold to $26.4bn (£21.4bn) by 2028, a presentation to prospective Twitter investors seen by The New York Times (NYT) suggests.
Last year, Twitter's revenue was $5bn.
Plans to launch a new service called X are also revealed in the report, with an aim of nine million subscribers in its first year and 104 million by 2028.

X the unknown.

#technology #tech #internet #SocialMedia #microblogging #Twitter #ElonMusk



Musk's $44 billion Twitter buyout challenged in shareholder lawsuit | Reuters

Elon Musk and Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) were sued on Friday by a Florida pension fund seeking to stop Musk from completing his $44 billion takeover of the social media company before 2025.
In a proposed class action filed in Delaware Chancery Court, the Orlando Police Pension Fund said Delaware law forbade a quick merger because Musk had agreements with other big Twitter shareholders, including his financial adviser Morgan Stanley (MS.N) and Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, to support the buyout.

#technology #tech #internet #SocialMedia #microblogging #Twitter #ElonMusk



Elon Musk may be temporary CEO of Twitter after deal closes, report says | The Verge

Elon Musk is expected to take on the CEO role at Twitter in a temporary capacity after his purchase of the company closes later this year, according to CNBC reporter David Faber. Faber says Musk detailed the plans in presentations to possible funders for the takeover.

Better upgrade all those Mastodon servers, quick!

#technology #tech #internet #SocialMedia #microblogging #Twitter #ElonMusk



GuideToMastodon: An increasingly less-brief guide to Mastodon | Noëlle Anthony

An Increasingly Less-Brief Guide to Mastodon


I've done my best to make this understandable, but you're welcome to suggest changes! If you have a Github account, you can submit change requests directly; otherwise, feel free to contact me on Mastodon or by email at noelle AT noelle.codes.

Looks good, but I haven't read it yet, so please don't ask me questions. At least, not yet.

#technology #tech #internet #SocialMedia #ActivityPub #Fediverse #microblogging #Mastodon #help



After Musk's Twitter Deal, Users Rush to Mastodon | Make Tech Easier

This news caused one of Mastodon’s main servers, mastodon.social to slow down. The site is very similar to Twitter in the way messages appear; however, Mastodon is constructed of multiple servers that work independently of each other but can still interact with each other. The system has been compared to the way multiple email servers interact.

#technology #tech #SocialMedia #MicroBlogging #Twitter #ElonMusk #Mastodon #Fediverse



Elon Musk warned he must protect Twitter users | BBC News

Elon Musk has been warned he must protect Twitter users from harmful content after he struck a $44bn deal to buy the social media giant.

More on today’s Molehill Mountain.

#technology #tech #internet #SocialMedia #MicroBlogging #Twitter #ElonMusk



What Twitter employees are saying about Elon Musk | The Verge

From compensation to a culture shift, no one knows what’s next

What Twitter employees think about Musk's buy-out, and more on what went into it.

#technology #tech #internet #SocialMedia #MicroBlogging #Twitter #ElonMusk



Jack Dorsey Thinks It's Great Elon Musk Is Buying Twitter | Gizmodo

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey fully endorsed Elon Musk’s planned purchase of the social media company in a hostile takeover on Monday. Musk and Twitter’s board reached a deal that will see the billionaire SpaceX founder pay $44 billion to take the company private. And while Dorsey is no longer the CEO and ultimately had little say in the matter, aside from serving on the Board of Directors, it’s interesting that the man who sent the platform’s first ever tweet in 2006 would say, “Elon is the singular solution I trust.”

We shall see.

“I’m so happy Twitter will continue to serve the public conversation. Around the world, and into the stars!” Dorsey tweeted, finishing up his thread.


#technology #tech #internet #SocialMedia #MicroBlogging #Twitter #ElonMusk



Twitter's new features may cure your fears about Elon Musk's takeover | TechRadar

Elon Musk just bought Twitter and now the entire internet is on fire (or at least, it feels that way). It's likely that some big changes will be implemented when the dust starts to settle, but Twitter users can look forward to some great new features while we wait to see what Musk has planned for the 16-year old social medial platform.

You can add all the gadgets you want to a car and then use it to run someone down.

#technology #tech #internet #SocialMedia #MicroBlogging #Twitter #ElonMusk



Ich weiß nicht ob ihr es hier auf #Diaspora wisst aber im #Fediverse geht mächtig was ab:

  • Mastodon (Twitter): Ähnlich wie Twitter ist Mastdon ein Microblogging-Dienst, über den sich Nutzer direkt über Kurznachrichten (Toots) bis zu einer Länge von 500 Zeichen miteinander austauschen können. Das Teilen/Verbreiten von anderen Toots nennt sich »Boost«. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastodon_(Software)
  • Pleroma (Twitter): Pleroma ist ebenfalls ein Microblogging-Dienst und vergleichbar mit Mastodon. Auf vielen Pleroma-Instanzen kann man Beiträge verfassen, die länger als die bei Mastodon üblichen 500 Zeichen sind. https://pleroma.social
  • PeerTube (YouTube): Die Videoplattform PeerTube ist eine Alternative zu geschlossenen Plattformen wie YouTube oder Vimeo. Auf PeerTube können Videos hochgeladen, angesehen und kommentiert werden. Ähnlich wie bei YouTube werden auch Kanäle unterstützt, die Nutzer abonnieren können. https://peertube.tv
  • Funkwhale (Spotify, Soundcloud): Funkwhale ist das Pendant zu PeerTube, auf dem Audio/Musik hochgeladen, angehört und kommentiert werden kann. Für Musiker, Hörbuch- oder Podcasthörer eine Alternative zu nicht freien Diensten wie Spotify oder Soundcloud. https://funkwhale.audio
  • Pixelfed (Instagram): Ähnlich wie Instagram ist Pixelfed ein Dienst zum Teilen, Verbreiten und Kommentieren von Fotos. Nutzer können eigene Fotoalben anlegen, andere Fotos entdecken und in einer Timeline anderen Nutzern/Fotografen folgen. https://pixelfed.org
  • Friendica (Facebook): Friendica ist ein soziales Netzwerk bzw. ein Macroblogging-Dienst, der mit Facebook vergleichbar ist. Es besteht unter anderem die Möglichkeit, sich mit anderen Nutzern zu vernetzen, diesen zu folgen, sich in Gruppen zu organisieren, Fotoalben zu führen, Kommentare abzugeben und Inhalte mit »Likes« bzw. »Dislikes« zu versehen. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendica
  • Hubzilla (Facebook): Auch Hubzilla ist charakteristisch ein soziales Netzwerk, das ähnlich wie Friendica funktioniert und mit Facebook vergleichbar ist. Wie bei einem sozialen Netzwerk üblich können sich Nutzer untereinander vernetzen, Inhalte austauschen und diese kommentieren. https://hubzilla.org//page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project
  • Mobilizon (Facebook-Events): Mobilizon ist eine freie Alternative zu Facebook-Events, mit dem sich Veranstaltungen organisieren und bewerben lassen. Neben dem Veranstaltungsort umfasst ein Event auf Mobilizon ein Datum/Zeit und optional eine Beschreibung. https://joinmobilizon.org
  • Plume (WordPress): Plume ist ein föderierter Blogging-Dienst, mit dem sich größere Beiträge/Inhalte im Fediverse veröffentlichen lassen. Nutzer können gemeinsam an einem Beitrag arbeiten und sich untereinander austauschen. https://joinplu.me
  • WriteFreely (WordPress): Genauso wie Plume ist WriteFreely ein föderierter Blogging-Dienst zum Verbreiten von Beiträgen/Inhalten. https://writefreely.org

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Twitter to give users more control - 'Unmention' feature on its way | TechRadar

In a logical extension to who can reply to your tweets feature that Twitter rolled out sometime back, the social media platform is now exploring a new tool that can allow you to prevent other users from mentioning you without blocking them. Further, the putative feature is also structured to allow you to preclude specific users from mentioning you in their tweets.

Oh, Ok, you mean @mention. What's to stop them simply mentioning you? Oh, and what's this?

The feature can also intimate users when they are mentioned too many times.

Uh... I don't even.

#technology #tech #internet #SocialMedia #microblogging Twitter



Twister: peer-to-peer microbloggingMedia

For the past five years I've been predicting (and hoping) that distributed alternatives to many present centralized "silo" Web SAAS offerings -- Facebook, Twitter, G+, and the like -- might emerge. Twister[1] , a decentralized peer-to-peer microblogging platform, is another offering I've just been made aware of. From the FAQ:

twister is a microblogging peer-to-peer platform, that is, it is a distributed system like bittorrent or similar file sharing technologies. Being completely decentralized means that no one is able to shut it down, as there is no single point to attack. The system is also designed so it cannot be censored, freedom of speech cannot be taken from you. And because the cryptography is employed end-to-end, no entity is able to spy on your communications.

Project page: http://twister.net.co/

More at the dreddit


h/t @Michał "rysiek" Woźniak

#twister #microblogging #distributedsocial #dht