

Dec 4, 2024

“ In this engaging #interview, #Dr. #AlexanderUnzicker, a #physicist and author known for his critical perspectives on contemporary physics, delves into the historical and modern interpretations of #ether theory, offering a fresh examination of this foundational concept. He critiques #mainstream physics, questioning the reliance on complex mathematical models that may lack empirical grounding. The conversation also touches on the intriguing topic of #scalar-waves, exploring their theoretical implications and potential applications. This discussion provides valuable insights into the evolution of scientific thought and encourages a re-evaluation of established #paradigms.”

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1q66VcYEyao


Atrocity Inc: How Israel Sells Its Destruction Of Gaza

In an exclusive new #documentary, Max #Blumenthal rips the cover off the #media deceptions and atrocity #hoaxes #Israel pushed after #October 7 to create #political space for its #gruesome #assault on the #Gaza Strip. Blumenthal exposes the #US #mainstream media's role as a megaphone for the Israeli #government, introducing new #lies even after their initial ones were debunked.

Atrocity Inc raises serious #questions about the #official #narrative of October 7, while revealing how Israel's #army has consciously engaged in the same hideous #atrocities which it #falsely accused #Palestinian #militants of committing.



#politik #linke #deutsche-zustände #antiantisemitismus #mainstream #autoritärismus #bellizismus

Eine deutsche Spezialität: Erfolgreiche Diffusion

Ein kritischer Impuls gegen »Großdeutschland« wird zum Material deutscher Staatsräson. Unterwegs wird der Krieg als Zivilisationsbringer entdeckt. Über Antideutsche (Von Gerhard Hanloser)

...Denkfaulheit und eine falsche Identifizierung der Juden mit Israel und einer Kritik an Israel mit Antisemitismus fallen so mit der »Staatsräson« Deutschlands zusammen.

Die Antideutschen mögen als »Antideutsche« verschwunden sein. Doch bereits als wahrnehmbare Szene waren sie »Mainstream im sektenhaften Gewand«. Mittlerweile gehören Teile ihrer Positionen zur deutschen »Staatsräson«. Sie sind kein vergessenes Randphänomen, vielmehr aktueller Ausdruck des »Elends der deutschen Zustände«, die sich durch militaristisches Denken, prowestlichen Konformismus, Verachtung der linken Geschichte von Internationalismus und Antiimperialismus auszeichnen. Aus mannigfaltigen Gründen bedienen sie die offizielle deutsche »Staatsräson«, Israel bedingungslos zu unterstützen. Kritisch ist daran nichts mehr; eine antideutsche Haltung im positiv-emphatischen Sinne von Unangepasstheit, Nonkonformismus und Antistaatlichkeit kann in dieser Haltung schon lange nicht mehr ausgemacht werden.
- https://www.jungewelt.de/artikel/473138.eine-deutsche-spezialit%C3%A4t-erfolgreiche-diffusion.html


#Propaganda auf beiden Seiten der Nahostkriegsberichtserstattung.

Siehe (bitte bis zum Ende schauen. Es werden beide Seiten beleuchtet.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNZ54qMJ0Wc

Hier haben wir das Hauptproblem für @nohopeone@joindiaspora.com und @faab64@diasp.org beide stecken zu tief in ihrer Filterblase und berichten nur was in ihr Weltbild passt. Über den Tellerrand schaut keiner wohlwissend, dass sie dadurch nur Öl ins Feuer schütten und den Konflikt am laufen halten in dem Glauben ihre Seite wäre die gerechte Seite die siegen muss.

Sehr zutreffend fand ich das Zitat am Ende der #Reportage aus Sicht der Israelischen Presse:

Was haben wir über die Russische Kriegsberichtserstattung aus der Ukraine gelacht. Das waren keine journalistischen Standards. Aber wir machen in Israel genau das selbe und bei uns ist es noch schlimmer. Die Russische Presse wird durch das Putin-Regime daran gehindert vernünftig zu berichten, wir in Israel machen das freiwillig. Dabei gilt unsere Presse als freiheitlich demokratisch.

#Krieg #Terror #Nahost #Israel #Palästina #Politik #Presse #Freiheit #Journalismus #Zensur #Hamas #Militär #Kriegsverbrechen #Menschenrechte #Konflikt #Gesellschaft #Problem #Zensur #Mainstream #Manipulation


Liz Crokin's take:

I’m tracking the story of the secret tunnels found under the Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters in Crown Heights.

A Union Street homeowner told http://CrownHeights.info several weeks ago that they had been hearing suspicious noises at night in their home for a period of time. As the noise continued, the concerned homeowner notified someone of the sounds and their suspicion.

http://CrownHights.info reported that around this same time construction workers found what appeared to be a tunnel underground.

Last night vandalism and chaos occurred allegedly because cement trucks were brought in to fill in the tunnels. The bochurim allegedly began disconnecting, hosing and vandalizing the cement trucks.

The NYPD was called in and the vandalism continued inside. The bochurim flipped tables and ripped off the walls of downstairs 770 exposing the hidden tunnel. There were reportedly also attempts to pepper spray police officers.

One of the more disturbing videos from the incident shows a stained mattress was pulled from the underground tunnel. Also, there’s a photo of what appears to be a baby highchair allegedly found in the tunnel. There were reportedly at least 10 people arrested.

Curiously, there’s photos of #mainstream #media at the scene at around 7 p.m. EST; however, the #MSM has been suspiciously #silent. This raises #red #flags — are they all waiting for their 4 a.m. talking points before they cover this?

The X page for The Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters released a statement over an hour ago; however, they made no mention of the tunnels. The statement read:

“The Chabad-Lubavitch community is pained by the vandalism of a group of young agitators who damaged the synagogue below Chabad Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway Monday night. These odious actions will be investigated, and the sanctity of the synagogue will be restored. Our thanks to the NYPD for their professionalism and sensitivity.”

There’s no clear indication on what these tunnels were used for. I’ve reported extensively on how there’s underground tunnels all over the county that are used to traffic #children. Sadly, this is not uncommon. Let’s hope this is not what these tunnels were used for regarding this incident.

We’ll see how this plays out.


#ShawnRyan #Show - 84 - #NickBryant Part 2 - Did #JeffreyEpstein #Clone Himself?
1 hour 23 minutes - Nov 21, 2023

Part two is a complete breakdown of Jeffrey Epstein's #vile #empire and the systems that enabled his rise to a position of power in "high society." Bryant details the origins of the "Little Black Book" and uncovers the names within it. This is the account the #mainstream #media won't cover.
SRS #84 Part 2

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Fo2LWDUUNT8


Has #criticism of the #mainstream now become mainstream itself?

Many critics of the mainstream are turning to alternative media, where distorting or fake reporting is much more common. But since this is the main criticism of the mainstream, this is quite surprising. In a world where people like Trump are elected president, the defense of the mainstream should be the resistance and the criticism is the mainstream.

think smiley

#news #fake #media #internet #resistance #change #future #democracy #journalism #press #trump #reality #filterbubble #alternative #world #society


Hamas Leader Blows Whistle We Are CIA Psy-Op To Advance #Globalist #Agenda

In reality, the supposedly deadly terrorist group is actually a globalist psy-op created by the CIA and supported by their supposed enemies Israel to help the globalists achieve their goals of more forever wars in the Middle East.

But don’t take my word for it. That is according to the son of a founding Hamas leader, who has given up his position as a “gilded prince” in the Hamas movement to blow the whistle and tell the world the truth about what is really happening behind the scenes of the terror group.

But there is just one problem for Mosab Hassan Yousef, whose father was a key figure in #founding Hamas back in #1987. He wants to tell the Western world the truth about Hamas, but our #mainstream #media is doing everything they can to #suppress his #voice and continue#pumping our #airwaves #full of #globalist #propaganda.


Attackers accessed #UK #military data through high-security fencing firm's #Windows7 rig

source: https://www.theregister.com/2023/09/04/zaun_breach_windows_7/

The #attack targeted a Windows 7 PC used to run software for one of the company's manufacturing machines.

Extended #Security #Updates for Windows 7, which was released in 2009, finally came to an end in 2023. #Mainstream #support ended in 2015, and extended support finished in 2020.

#fail #omg #wtf #microsoft #problem #software #os #news


unpaused this around 47 minutes... what's to stop them turn you off?
#transhumanism #technarchy #eugenics #neofeudalism #eternaltyranny #totalitarian #neverendinglivingnightmare #powercorrupts #dumbingdown #enslaving #destroying #psyop #gaslighting #othering #oligarchs #fascists #oligarchy #fascism #ppp #neoliberal #neoconservative #sameoldfascists #fear #wef #banks #darktriad #darktriadarchy #orwellianisms #domesticcontrol #populationcontrol #genocide #thenewmodel #noescape #norecourseofremedy #norighttoremedy #hegemony #totalitarianism #homogenisation #totalitarianisation #smartgrid #china #thechinamodel #thechinaconnection #conflictsofinterest #kissinger #pnac #globalgovernance #technocracy #technarchy #antifreedom #manufacturingconsent #manufacturedcrisis #warondessent #censorship #transhumanism #childabuse #childmutilation #totalcontrol #deidentification #governmentislikefire #paternalistgovernment #thecorporation #dependence #deskilling #agnogenesis #pridefullyignorant #dogma #usurption #mainstream #controlledopposition #juststopoil #climatechange #hypocrisy #control #manufacturedscarcity #disempowerment #thisisnotwhatfacilitarianismlookslike #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #feadrivenpolicyacceptance #bytheiractions #divideandconquer #problemreactionsolution #climageforsale #weatherwarfare #terminator #terminatorgenes #deskkillers

#wecanstillmendthis #DISOBEY #learningthelies #orwellianismaware #exitandbuild #amish #decentralisation #creativity #vivaciousness #scrutiny #planttrees #planthemp #plantcannabis #cannabiscansavetheworld #overgrowthecorporation



enter image description here
Mirrored from Humanity is under attack https://rumble.com/v2lz7gy-edited-bbc-doesnt-want-you-to-see-this-stew-peters-goes-head-to-head-with-b.html
Source: https://rumble.com/v2lw3e0-bbc-doesnt-want-you-to-see-this-stew-peters-goes-head-to-head-with-bbc-watc.html Links: Stew Peters goes into the lion’s den and teaches the BBC a lesson.
Watch behind the scenes footage the BBC doesn’t want you to see.
The BBC attempts and fails to discredit the wildly successful documentary “Died Suddenly”.
Stew financed and released “Died Suddenly” to save lives from the murderous Covid cult.
Throughout the #interview Stew exposes the pro-vaxx lies parroted by the #mainstream #media.
The BBC continues to promote a #bioweapon #injection that is #killing #children.
The fake news “journalists” were completely caught off guard and not prepared to answer Stew’s questions about why embalmers are finding white fibrous clots inside the vaccinated dead.
Stew reminds the BBC of vaccinated Damar Hamlin’s sudden collapse on national television.
The average number of professional athletes who have collapsed during competition is 5 to 10 per year.
In the last year that number has climbed to over 1000.
The United States is funneling #money into the fake construct of a country called #Ukraine.
The #Covid-19 #pandemic was used to enact a massive #worldwide #depopulation event.
People must be held accountable for their blatant #crimes #against #humanity and that also includes lying journalists.


ein Beitrag von einer Mitbloggerin auf lostineu.eu :

Ein fröhliches Hallo in die Runde, seit zwei Tagen bin ich in #Facebook gesperrt.
“Dein Konto wird für 24 Stunden lang eingeschränkt. Aktivitäten in Zusammenhang mit deinem Konto haben gegen unsere Gemeinschaftsstandards (?) verstoßen. Daher kannst du eine oder mehrere deiner üblichen Handlungen nicht ausführen.“ (Keine konkrete Begründung)
So viel zum Thema Meinungsfreiheit und „Westliche Werte“! Ich bin weder „Rechts“ noch „links“ – allerdings ein Pazifist.
In meinen Tweets hatte ich auf die Menschenrechtsverletzungen in den Palästinenser Gebieten hingewiesen, da dort nicht nur die bösen „Islamisten“ ermordet werden, sondern auch Frauen, Kinder und Alte – eben Zivilisten. (Ich bin kein Antisemit!) Weiterhin hatte ich mehrmals den einfachen Satz gepostet „Krieg ist immer ein Verbrechen“ (Daraufhin hatte ich sehr viel Zuspruch bekommen) in Anlehnung von „Denke niemals das der Krieg egal wie erforderlich oder wie begründet er ist, kein Verbrechen ist.“ von Ernest Hemingway (Glaubwürdige Aussage durch seine Erfahrungen als Kriegsberichterstatter im 2. Weltkrieg) Ich habe meine gesamte Weltanschauung über „Bord“ geworfen und Entschuldigung – ich könnte nur noch kotzen.

deshalb find ich #KI für bestimmte Bereiche nicht schlecht: unsere #Mainstream #JournalistInnen copy und pasten ja ohnehin nur die Agenturmeldungen und Regierungserklärungen
DAS kann KI viel schneller !
würde ausserdem bedeuten, dass 90 % freigestellt würden und neu planen können ... in Pflegeberufen ist der Bedarf bekanntlich enorm