

Just what is Tone, in a Microphone?

Person sitting with a guitar on their lap, and a hand poised strumming the strings. In front is a microphone made with a blue and white soda can.
He’s coming to this from the viewpoint of a musician rather than an engineer, but his methodology is not diminished by this. He’s putting each mic on test in front of the same speaker at the same position, and playing a standard piece of music and a tone sweep through each. He doesn’t have an audio analyser, reference speaker and microphone, or anechoic chamber, so he’s come up with a real-world standard instead. He’s comparing every mic he can find with a Shure SM57, the go-to general purpose standard in the world of microphones for as long as anyone can remember, being a 1960s development of their earlier Unidyne series. His reasoning is that while its response is not flat the sound of the SM57 is what most people are used to hearing from a microphone, so it makes sense to measure the others against its performance.

My own hearing is really at a stage that I don’t hear a lot of difference. I’ve always believed though in post-processing by just listening to the result and then making a few tweaks if the sound does not have enough bass. Chasing after expensive brand names is only for those who can really afford it. That said, I’d love to see a musician on stage with a soda can microphone.

See https://hackaday.com/2023/10/05/just-what-is-tone-in-a-microphone/
#Blog, #microphones, #music, #technology


Le Sénat donne son feu vert à l’activation à distance des caméras ou micros des téléphones

The Senate gives the green light to the remote activation of the cameras or microphones of the telephones

L'article 3 du projet de loi du garde des Sceaux est controversé et cristallise les inquiétudes de la gauche et d'associations.

Article 3 of the Keeper of the Seals bill is controversial and crystallizes the concerns of the left and associations.

Translations by StartPage.


Le Sénat a donné, mercredi 7 juin dans la soirée, son feu vert à une disposition controversée du projet de loi sur la justice autorisant le déclenchement à distance des caméras ou micros des téléphones dans certaines enquêtes, à l'insu des personnes visées. L'article 3 du texte porté par le garde des Sceaux, Eric Dupond-Moretti, examiné en première lecture par les sénateurs, apporte plusieurs modifications à la procédure pénale.\
La mesure votée mercredi a deux finalités. D'une part, la géolocalisation en temps réel pour certaines infractions. D'autre part, l'activation de micros et caméras pour capter son et images, qui serait réservée aux affaires de terrorisme, de délinquance et de criminalité organisées.

The Senate gave, Wednesday, June 7 in the evening, the green light to a controversial provision of the justice bill authorizing the remote triggering of cameras or telephone microphones in certain investigations, without the knowledge of the persons concerned. Article 3 of the text carried by the Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti, examined at first reading by the senators, brings several modifications to the criminal procedure.\
The measure voted on Wednesday has two purposes. On the one hand, real-time geolocation for certain offences. On the other hand, the activation of microphones and cameras to capture sound and images, which would be reserved for cases of terrorism, delinquency and organized crime.

"délinquance" (delinquency) seems a bit vague.

#france #privacy #surveillance #spying #smartphones #trackers #smart-phones #computers #cameras #microphones #remote-spying #remote-surveillance #human-rights #civil-rights