

Reading "public activity" on Diaspora, I get a big sense of

How things have changed, and so quickly!

The #Republicans fought a war to end #slavery, but now they're the Bad Guys.
The #Democrats founded the #KKK and battled against #civil-rights, but now they're The Good Guys.

It went from right-vs-wrong to us-vs-them.

Way too much about politics on this Diaspora. I know everything is political for some reason, but it shouldn't be that way.


Le Sénat donne son feu vert à l’activation à distance des caméras ou micros des téléphones

The Senate gives the green light to the remote activation of the cameras or microphones of the telephones

L'article 3 du projet de loi du garde des Sceaux est controversé et cristallise les inquiétudes de la gauche et d'associations.

Article 3 of the Keeper of the Seals bill is controversial and crystallizes the concerns of the left and associations.

Translations by StartPage.


Le Sénat a donné, mercredi 7 juin dans la soirée, son feu vert à une disposition controversée du projet de loi sur la justice autorisant le déclenchement à distance des caméras ou micros des téléphones dans certaines enquêtes, à l'insu des personnes visées. L'article 3 du texte porté par le garde des Sceaux, Eric Dupond-Moretti, examiné en première lecture par les sénateurs, apporte plusieurs modifications à la procédure pénale.\
La mesure votée mercredi a deux finalités. D'une part, la géolocalisation en temps réel pour certaines infractions. D'autre part, l'activation de micros et caméras pour capter son et images, qui serait réservée aux affaires de terrorisme, de délinquance et de criminalité organisées.

The Senate gave, Wednesday, June 7 in the evening, the green light to a controversial provision of the justice bill authorizing the remote triggering of cameras or telephone microphones in certain investigations, without the knowledge of the persons concerned. Article 3 of the text carried by the Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti, examined at first reading by the senators, brings several modifications to the criminal procedure.\
The measure voted on Wednesday has two purposes. On the one hand, real-time geolocation for certain offences. On the other hand, the activation of microphones and cameras to capture sound and images, which would be reserved for cases of terrorism, delinquency and organized crime.

"délinquance" (delinquency) seems a bit vague.

#france #privacy #surveillance #spying #smartphones #trackers #smart-phones #computers #cameras #microphones #remote-spying #remote-surveillance #human-rights #civil-rights


Indigenous Sámi Win Landmark Case against Wind Power Company


In a landmark victory for Indigenous Sámi reindeer herders, the Norwegian Supreme Court ruled in October that the government should never have granted licenses for two wind farms recently constructed on traditional Sámi grazing lands. It found these licenses interfere with the Sámi’s right to cultural enjoyment, in violation of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

#environment #wind #power #farms #Indigenous #peoples #grazing #lands #civil-rights #human-rights #culture #Sámi #Norway #earthislandjournal


Victory! Another Court Protects the Right to Record Police


When people fear that the police are about to break the law, they pull out their phones and hit “record.” Doing so promotes police accountability and public discussion of important issues. So, it is great news that yet another federal appellate court has ruled that people have a First Amendment right to record on-duty police. With this ruling, the Tenth Circuit has joined six other federal appellate courts: the First, Third, Fifth, Seventh, Ninth, and Eleventh Circuits.

#police #civil-liberty #civil-liberties #recording-police #record-police #civil-right #civil-rights


A quotation by Jefferson, Thomas

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) American political philosopher, polymath, statesman, US President (1801-09)

Inaugural Address (4 Mar 1801)

#quote #quotation #civil-rights #equal-protection-under-the-law #equal-rights #majority #minority #rights

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/jefferson-thomas/20761/


They all depend on the 14^th^ Amendment

If Roe is vulnerable, so are all these others.

Roe v. Wade -- right to an abortion


Brown v. Board of Education -- racial segregation of schools


Loving v. Virginia -- inter-racial marriage


Mapp v. Ohio -- exclude evidence obtained illegally


Gideon v. Wainwright -- right to counsel


Griswold v. Connecticut -- right to use contraception


Obergefell v. Hodges -- same-sex marriage


Lawrence v. Texas -- homosexual sex



Thomas wrote in his concurring opinion

For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.

It's interesting that Thomas didn't mention Loving v. Virginia in that same sentence. He's a black man who lives with his white wife in Virginia, the same state where Mildred and Richard Loving were arrested for being married to each other.

#constitution #14th-amendment #fourteenth-amendment #rights #civil-rights #human-rights #abortion #education #same-sex-marriage #homosexual-sex #contraception #right-to-counsel #right-to-privacy


Not Satire

Russia Convicts Pastafarian of Being Affiliated with an "Undesirable Organization"

His name is Mikhail Iosilevich.


A Russian court on May 27, 2022 handed an activist 20 months of custodial sentence and ordered him to pay civil damages of 100,000 rubles (approximately US$1,500) having found him affiliated with an “undesirable organization,” Human Rights Watch said today. The abusive law underlying the charges, the prosecution and sentencing, individually and together constitute a complete travesty of justice, Human Rights Watch said.\
Mikhail Iosilevich, is the first person who may serve prison time for these charges as activists convicted previously had received suspended sentences or were ordered to perform community service (mandatory labor). In 2021, Iosilevich was also the first person placed in pretrial detention on these charges.

#pastafarian #pastafarians #church-of-the-flying-spaghetti-monster #russia #mikhail-iosilevich #human-rights #civil-rights #freedom-of-religion #religious-freedom #hrw #human-rights-watch


Alito’s Plan to Repeal the 20th Century
If the conservative justice’s draft opinion is adopted by the Court, key advances of the past hundred years could be rolled back.
By Adam Serwer

The right-wing majority’s radical repurposing of the so-called shadow docket to set precedents and nullify constitutional rights rather than simply deal with time-sensitive matters foreshadowed this outcome. In the Court’s religious-freedom decisions related to the coronavirus pandemic, and in its choice last year to allow Texas to nullify the right to an abortion, you can see the outlines of this new legal regime: On the grounds that it constitutes a form of religious discrimination, conservatives will be able to claim an exemption from any generally applicable rule they do not wish to follow, while imposing their own religious and ideological views on those who do not share them. Although the right-wing justices present this rule in the language of constitutionalism, they are simply imposing their ideological and cultural preferences on the rest of the country. Roe itself left those opposed to abortion free not to have one; striking it down allows states to prevent those seeking abortions from obtaining them.

#politics #SCOTUS #abortion #civil-rights #constitution #law #AdamSerwer


A Bleak Week for Rights in the UK

Eroding Civil Liberties Against Backdrop of Falling Living Standards Will Cause Harm


To say the United Kingdom government was busy over the past week would be a classic British understatement. It steamrolled through parliament four separate pieces of legislation that will do real harm to people’s rights.

#uk #rights #civil-rights #human-rights #human-rights-watch #hrw #civil-liberties #living-standards #cost-of-living #nationality-and-borders-bill #elections-bill #judicial-review-and-courts-bill



#DrKing was a great #civil-rights #leader, but he was more than that. He was a #political #revolutionary who summoned the #nation to “undergo a #radical #revolution of #values” to #overcome “the #giant #triplets of #extreme-materialism, #racism, and #militarism.” Never forget his #vision.

#martinlutherkingjr #mlk #berniesanders #quote #democratic #socialism




And Then They Came for Us

It was a failure of American democracy, and yet because most Americans are not aware of that dark chapter of American history, it’s about to be repeated.

— George Takei, Actor and Activist

Seventy-eight years ago, Executive Order 9066 paved the way to the profound violation of constitutional rights that resulted in the forced incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans. Featuring George Takei and many others who were incarcerated, as well as newly rediscovered photographs of Dorothea Lange, And Then They Came for Us brings history into the present, retelling this difficult story and following Japanese American activists as they speak out against the Muslim registry and travel ban. Knowing our history is the first step to ensuring we do not repeat it. And Then They Came for Us is a cautionary and inspiring tale for these dark times. Please partner with us to share this critical story.

#AndThenTheyCameForUs #documentary #film #incarceration #travel #ban #registry #injustice #constitutional-rights #human-rights #civil-rights #freedom #democracy #DorotheaLange #GeorgeTakei #EO9066 #JapaneseAmerican #activism #Japan #USA #history #KenSchneider #AbbyGinzberg #SocialActionMedia #FilmsForJustice #docu-films