

Le Sénat donne son feu vert à l’activation à distance des caméras ou micros des téléphones

The Senate gives the green light to the remote activation of the cameras or microphones of the telephones

L'article 3 du projet de loi du garde des Sceaux est controversé et cristallise les inquiétudes de la gauche et d'associations.

Article 3 of the Keeper of the Seals bill is controversial and crystallizes the concerns of the left and associations.

Translations by StartPage.


Le Sénat a donné, mercredi 7 juin dans la soirée, son feu vert à une disposition controversée du projet de loi sur la justice autorisant le déclenchement à distance des caméras ou micros des téléphones dans certaines enquêtes, à l'insu des personnes visées. L'article 3 du texte porté par le garde des Sceaux, Eric Dupond-Moretti, examiné en première lecture par les sénateurs, apporte plusieurs modifications à la procédure pénale.\
La mesure votée mercredi a deux finalités. D'une part, la géolocalisation en temps réel pour certaines infractions. D'autre part, l'activation de micros et caméras pour capter son et images, qui serait réservée aux affaires de terrorisme, de délinquance et de criminalité organisées.

The Senate gave, Wednesday, June 7 in the evening, the green light to a controversial provision of the justice bill authorizing the remote triggering of cameras or telephone microphones in certain investigations, without the knowledge of the persons concerned. Article 3 of the text carried by the Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti, examined at first reading by the senators, brings several modifications to the criminal procedure.\
The measure voted on Wednesday has two purposes. On the one hand, real-time geolocation for certain offences. On the other hand, the activation of microphones and cameras to capture sound and images, which would be reserved for cases of terrorism, delinquency and organized crime.

"délinquance" (delinquency) seems a bit vague.

#france #privacy #surveillance #spying #smartphones #trackers #smart-phones #computers #cameras #microphones #remote-spying #remote-surveillance #human-rights #civil-rights


Google Allowed a Sanctioned Russian Ad Company to Harvest User Data for Months


Of particular concern, the analysis showed that Google shared data with RuTarget about users browsing websites based in Ukraine. This means Google may have turned over such critical information as unique mobile phone IDs, IP addresses, location information and details about users’ interests and online activity, data that U.S. senators and experts say could be used by Russian military and intelligence services to track people or zero in on locations of interest.

Google doesn't care. They just want more money.

The root problem is that the hardware, software, and protocols people use don't minimize the amount of information they exfiltrate. There is no excuse for allowing hardware devices to uniquely identify themselves with mobile advertising IDs. There is no excuse for including useragent and referer headers in the HTTP protocol. These are self-evidently terrible ideas. If we want any privacy at all in 2022 we must never access any network with a phone. As for HTTPS, I think we need to move to simpler, more privacy-friendly protocols like Gopher and Gemini.

Someone comes up with a good idea, and the billionaires "monetize" it into another Orwellian nightmare.

I want to use and control my computers, but I don't want to be used and controlled by them.

#privacy #security #surveillance #google #russia #ukraine #war #surveillance-economy #ads #advertising #smart-phones #trackers #tracking


Diners Beware: That Meal May Cost You Your Privacy and Security

Scanning QR codes instead of ordering from a physical menu is a way for companies to insert all the machinery of the online advertising ecosystem between you and your food.


Even though this is the ACLU, it requires JavaScript. That's annoying. The article is pretty short, so here it is.

If you’ve been to a restaurant lately and scanned a QR code rather than order from a physical menu, you likely paid for that meal with not just your money, but your privacy and security too. Businesses are taking advantage of the rise of touchless services during the pandemic to harvest massive amounts of sensitive information about who we are, where we go, and what we do, including our eating and drinking habits — when all we want to do is just eat a meal.

In the past decade, technology companies and the advertising industry have created a vast and extremely lucrative online spying apparatus. They try to collect information about every click we make online and package it into profiles to be shared, sold, and used in ways we couldn’t even imagine, as seen in the Cambridge Analytica scandal. These surveillance capitalists have long wanted to link online profiling to our physical movements to pry even further into our private lives. Manipulating us into scanning QR codes instead of ordering from a physical menu is a way for these companies to achieve their dream of online-offline tracking by inserting all the machinery of the online advertising ecosystem between you and your food.

You may not have thought much about what actually happens when you open your phone and click on a QR code at a restaurant. Sometimes it just opens the restaurant’s web page. But many of the QR codes you see in restaurants are actually generated by a different company that collects, uses, and then often shares your personal information with other companies. In fact, companies that provide QR codes to restaurants like to brag about all the personal information you are sharing along with that food order: your location, your demographics such as gender and age group, and other information about you and your behavior. Plus, as your phone opens the website or app, all the terrible privacy practices of our current online and mobile environments come into play: cookies, your phone’s advertising ID number, and device fingerprinting. There is an entire industry dedicated to using these and other technologies to identify you — precisely — so that a visit to a restaurant can be connected to all your other tracked activities to create a detailed profile of who you are, where you go, what you do, and your interests and habits.

In China, this technology has been used to create a network of mandatory checkpoints used to track citizens as they moved throughout society. While that hopefully could never happen in the United States, if the codes become pervasive enough, an advertising-based equivalent could certainly arise. And your personal information collected by companies can be shared with or accessed by the government for surveillance. In recent years, we’ve seen how information collected by prayer apps has been used to target and surveil Muslim Americans, and how location information of devices has been used to surveil people protesting for racial justice. In Australia, where QR codes have been put to widespread use for COVID contact tracing, the police have already tapped into these treasure troves of personal information.

When restaurants make owning a smartphone and being able to scan a QR code the default for being served a meal, that also has significant implications for equity. Many people do not have a smartphone, including more than 40 percent of people over 65 and 25 percent of people who make less than $30,000 per year. People with disabilities and the unhoused are also less likely to own one. These are some of our most vulnerable communities.

QR codes can also pose security risks. A QR code transfers data directly into your phone that you can’t read, and it could trigger an action that you can’t scrutinize before it happens. That’s an inherently risky thing to do, like blindly clicking a link in an unknown e-mail. Depending on your operating system, QR code reader app, or the QR code itself, you may not get the chance to inspect the proposed action, or you might be distracted or hungry and take the action without considering it carefully. Some scammers have been known to put their own QR code sticker over a legitimate QR code, redirecting anyone who scans it to a subtly different payment target, or to a website that hosts malware. Some QR code software is not trustworthy, and an honest but naïve business may inadvertently steer people to a malware site. Even a legitimate URL can be repurposed by an attacker if the website gets compromised or its domain name expires.

Whether technology helps or harms us depends on its purpose, the people who build it, and how we control and use these technologies. Based on current privacy and security risks of QR codes, we recommend that people:

  • Treat any QR code like a link in an unknown email: Be wary and pay attention to the context in which it appears.
  • When not certain a code can be trusted, consider seeking the information another way, such as by manually navigating to the business or organization’s website.
  • Use software that allows you to inspect the QR code or the action it will take before it is passed to your browser or any other app.
  • Keep an eye out for any QR code that has been pasted on top of another one.
  • In restaurants, continue to use a physical menu. We now know that it’s highly unlikely to spread the virus by touching a piece of paper.

With the privacy threats, equity concerns, and security risks of QR codes, no business should require anyone to scan a QR code or make it difficult for people to continue to use a physical menu if they want one. COVID has already cost our communities so much. Now is the time to make sure that any technology we use is working for us, not putting more of our personal information and power into the hands of companies who profit at our expense.

See also

#privacy #security #surveillance #restaurants #qrcodes #qr-codes #smart-phones #trackers #identity-theft