

It’s drawn the admiration of people around the world as an enticing medium for carving and was used for jewelry as early as 4,000 years ago. The incredible clarity of rock crystal led ancient people to think that it was actually ice that couldn’t melt. The ancient Greeks thought that rock crystal in caves near Mount Olympus was ice frozen eternally by the gods. In China and Japan, rock crystal was also considered to be ice that had been frozen so long that it could never be melted.

Photo: E. Louis/© AMNH

#transparent #quartz #minerals #nature #beauty


Steamboat Tourmaline: One of California's Finest Minerals [+]

At nearly a foot tall this pair of red tourmaline crystals with green tips is one of the jewels in the crown of the Smithsonian mineral collection.

In 1907 the famous Steamboat Tourmaline was unearthed by Frank Barlow Schuyler in San Diego County in a rich tourmaline-bearing pocket zone in the mine which was named the Tourmaline King. It was then sold by Schuyler to Washington A. Roebling and it is now housed at the Smithsonian Institution.

The specimen’s two parallel crystals (which look like steamboat stacks) display a range of vibrant colors that start at vivid reddish-pink at the bottom and transition to a bright bluish-green at the top. The tourmaline crystals rise out of a base of Cleavelandite, which is perched atop a large quartz crystal.

#tourmaline #cleavelandite #quartz #crystal #gemstones #minerals #nature #beauty


Renee Brown
Wulfenite with Cerussite, Emergeitite, Botryoidal Plumium. 2015
€8,631.31 [+]

Brown sculpts hundreds of small, crystalline shaped pieces, making sure each one is a work of art before she assembles her compositions. In this piece, a forest of emergentist surrounds a majestic outcropping of fiery wulfenite. Her naturalistic assemblages are rich in texture and fine details.

#Wulfenite #Cerussite #Emergeitite #gemstone #minerals #nature #art



loads of good tips for you to investigate suitability for you and yours.

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