On the basis of estimates of nutrient intake from food (excluding fortification and supplementation), more than 5 billion people do not consume enough iodine (68% of the global population), vitamin E (67%), and calcium (66%). More than 4 billion people do not consume enough iron (65%), riboflavin (55%), folate (54%), and vitamin C (53%). Within the same country and age groups, estimated inadequate intakes were higher for women than for men for iodine, vitamin B12, iron, and selenium and higher for men than for women for magnesium, vitamin B6, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, thiamin, and niacin.
Its an ongoing warning of soil (topsoil) depletion of microbes, which will affect the nutrients in the food we and all living beings eat. And we have industrial farming which do not bring back enough organic content to make up for what they remove in food production and that lead to depletion. Industrial animal farming feed the animals corn and other substances but not grass, which lead to nutrient depletion in the meat we eat.
We basically eat what the food we eat have eaten. Mineral imbalance or depletion in our bodies may be the main reason for the expression of most diseases and illnesses, its a ticking health bomb. Since our body is so good at adapting, making "workarounds" to keep our body running, years on years, we don't notice these things. Acute happening we notice, but seldom the long dragged out consequence.
I wish the medical community would focus a lot, a lot more on nutrition and minerals as a healing mechanism and as a preventative "medicine".
#Nutrition #health #micronutrition #minerals #vitamins #study
15-year study says increase in vegetarianism is women-only.
"Over 15 years, students at an American university (N = 12,704) described their dietary habits. Multilevel modeling analyses (participants nested within semesters) found that overall, the percentage of vegetarians increased over time, whereas the percentage of omnivores decreased over time; however, these changes occurred only for women. The dietary habits of men did not change over time. In a second study, in a sample of 363 adult vegetarians from the US, we found that women were more likely than men to become vegetarians due to concerns about the ethics of raising animals for food and eating them, suggesting that increased societal concern about animal rights may be responsible in part for the gender differences over time in vegetarianism."
UK children shorter, fatter and sicker amid poor diet and poverty, report finds
Children across the UK are getting shorter, fatter and sicker amid an #epidemic of poor diets, food insecurity and poverty, according to a report warning that millions are facing a “timebomb” of avoidable health conditions.
The average height of five-year-olds is falling, obesity levels have increased by almost a third and the number of young people being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes has risen by more than a fifth, the report by the Food Foundation said.
Aggressive marketing of cheap ultra-processed food, diets lacking essential nutrition and high levels of poverty and deprivation are driving the “significant decline” in children’s health, researchers found.
#ToryScum #ToryCorruption #CapitalismFails #poverty #food #FoodInsecurity #children #UK #UnitedKingdom #nutrition
What happens in the gut happens in the brain.
#nutrition #neuroscience #microglia https://traffic.megaphone.fm/HYMANDIGITALLLC7654978750.mp3?updated=1716391914
Les micro pousses sont des bombes nutritives.
"Les micro-pousses, ce sont vraiment les premiers stades de développement de la plante avant que ça devienne une jeune pousse et une plante mature, et après la graine germée. Et chaque pousse a ses valeurs nutritives qui correspondent à son homologue mature, mais bourrées de vitamines, de minéraux et d’anti-oxydants, de 4 à 40 fois plus concentrées que quand on la mange en fin de croissance.
#alimentation #nutrition #maraîchage #agriculture #plantes #santé
Bonus, un pdf sur les graines germées... si ça vous tente (ça en vaut la peine). ;)
"Food and chemical companies are permitted to approve the use of new potentially harmful additives and other substances in snacks, drinks and more without the Food and Drug Administration's review and approval -- all thanks to a regulatory loophole known as the GRAS rule."
"GRAS, or 'generally recognized as safe,' is a food category created by Congress in 1958. The GRAS designation was intended to apply to ingredients widely recognized to be safe, such as salt, water, yeast and chicken breast."
"The GRAS rule, finalized in 1997, created a voluntary notification system that lets manufacturers bypass federal regulators' review. Companies can identify and use new GRAS ingredients but are not required to share this information with the FDA."
"Since 2000, food and chemical companies have used the GRAS loophole to approve 99 percent of new food chemicals, according to a 2022 EWG analysis. It leaves both the public and the FDA in the dark about the substances in our food."
"Experts estimate more than 1,000 GRAS substances have entered the food supply without FDA or public knowledge."
I never heard of this. Wonder if there is any connection with cancer rates in the population.
Earnest request to shift to Deshi Indigenous variety of Rice, Wheat instead of hybrid variety (grown using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, weedicides) available in the market.
Now most of the Bio-technology related research is controlled by Corporate funding with vested interest..its a debatable topic ...but please rethink.
According to scientists, continuous genetic tampering and modern breeding programmes have stripped plants of their natural evolutionary defence mechanisms against toxins.
If you need to discuss, have confusion contact Paushtik Life for nutrition rich rice varieties...At this moment, one can get 15-18 varieties of traditional rice varieties from us grown by organic farmers group.
We have home delivery facilities or one can collect it from Bansdroni Kolkata.
pH : +8910397211
Published in Times of India, 25th January 2024.
#nutrition #toxininrice #organicshopkolkata #paushtiklife #food #health #rice
Produits ultra-transformés : des aliments néfastes pour notre santé. (2024)
Article Élucid : Nuggets, plats cuisinés, pains industriels… Les produits qu’on appelle « ultra-transformés » font aujourd’hui partie de notre quotidien, et ce, au point de représenter en moyenne près d’un tiers de nos apports caloriques journaliers !
Et à découvrir : Une application #Libre #OpenSource permet de s'informer sur la qualité nutritionnelle d'un aliment et aide « à faire de la #transparence alimentaire la norme ! »
Vous savez certainement : le Nutriscore n'est pas obligatoire ! Alors voilà un moyen de le fixer quand même !
#Alimentaire #Industrie #Santé #Nutrition #OpenFoodFacts #F-Droid #FDroid #Nutriscore
(Page aucun traqueur)
Study finds that a #vegan #diet improves #cardiovascular #health
#health #nutrition #medical #science
Surge in number of people in #hospital with #nutrient #deficiencies, #NHS figures show | #FoodPoverty | The Guardian
Playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLQCop71YLs
he said it... and... is that an old video? ... #buildbackbetter #hawaii
anyways, that was just an aside. among many.
it's rly about #children #life #living #healthy #nutrition #wellbeing #beingawesome #mending #mendwards #wecanstillmendthis
#drcassar #drrobertcassar #wisdom #rants #goodrant
"Food brands owned by tobacco companies -- which invested heavily into the US food industry in the 1980s -- appear to have 'selectively disseminated hyperpalatable foods' to American consumers."
"While tobacco companies divested from the US food system between the early to mid-2000s, perhaps the shadow of Big Tobacco has remained. The new KU study finds the availability of fat-and-sodium hyperpalatable foods (more than 57%) and carbohydrate-and-sodium hyperpalatable foods (more than 17%) was still high in 2018, regardless of prior tobacco ownership, showing these foods have become mainstays of the American diet."
"The majority of what's out there in our food supply falls under the hyperpalatable category. It's actually a bit difficult to track down food that's not hyperpalatable. In our day-to-day lives, the foods we're surrounded by and can easily grab are mostly the hyperpalatable ones. And foods that are not hyperpalatable, such as fresh fruits and vegetables -- they're not just hard to find, they're also more expensive."
More specifically, what the study did was use United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) data sets were used to identify hyper-palatable foods that were and were not owned by US tobacco companies from 1988 to 2001. They found 105 that were and 587 that were not owned by tobacco companies.
"Tobacco-owned foods were 29% more likely to be classified as fat and sodium hyper-palatable foods and 80% more likely to be classified as carbohydrate and sodium hyper-palatable foods than foods that were not tobacco-owned between 1988 and 2001 (P-values = .005-0.009). The availability of fat and sodium hyper-palatable foods (>57%) and carbohydrate and sodium hyper-palatable foods (>17%) was high in 2018 regardless of prior tobacco-ownership status, suggesting widespread saturation into the food system."
#Ultra-processed #Food raises risk of #HeartAttack and #Stroke, two studies show | #Nutrition | The Guardian
Les aliments bons pour la planète le sont également pour notre santé
#alimentation #nutrition #environnement #écologie #végétal #aliments #planète #santé #écoresponsable #cancer #cardiologie #maladie #carbone #crise-climatique #émissions #ges #effet-de-serre #œuf #viande #régime #vegan
La #vérité sur la #WHEY : la #poudre qui fait péter - l'Observateur
Timeline et liste des sujets 👉
00:00:00 Le #Bodybuilding : le premier #mensonge #marketing de la #Whey
00:03:05 Le caractère irréversible des #stéroïdes #anabolisants
00:09:34 Le #physique idéal ( celui qui fait rêver les femmes )
00:15:30 Aux #origines de la Whey : ne pas confondre le liquide originel et la poudre
00:18:29 La Whey : l’idée marketing du siècle
00:22:34 La Whey native : la lessive qui lave plus blanc que blanc
00:25:47 Le #Mythe de la #carence en #protéines : #attention aux apprentis sorciers
00:35:24 De combien de protéines avez-vous réellement besoin ?
00:42:37 99% des gens s’entraînent comme des merdes
00:51:51 Les #dangers de l’excès de protéines
00:54:07 Optimisez d’abord ce que vous avez ( #sommeil, #nutrition, #entraînement ).
01:05:44 #Attention aux #estrogènes et à la Whey végétale
01:07:25 Le mythe de l’absorption rapide : le plus gros coup marketing de tous les temps
01:14:23 Mangez mieux
#ProteineWhey #bodybuilding #nutrition #lobservateur