

#TrumpVirus & Variants - 2/2

Speaking now of #MuskVirus -
as #Elon invites "only the best" #haters, #miscreants, #cultists, and conspiracy-spreaders, @ #Twitter

Twitter Users Say Elon’s Site Is Forcing Them to Follow Donald Trump

The sandbox king is playing with algorithms still, it seems. I see recommendations for Trump and other miscreants, ostensibly based on things I've looked at, but for sure not based on my inclinations or nausea threshold. Anyhow, since yesterday I no longer see a list of A-1 A-holes recommended to me on Twitter, and I'm not following Dark Lord Stablegenius. Never have, either, as some here have.

OK, I know, so I'll ask, "Do you care?" So don't say "Ask me if I care?!" hehe. - It is what it is and I study social media & psych, so...

A main interest in #psychology for me has long been #psychopathology , which leads me to #TrumpVirus & VIP variants