

https://toad.social/@wdlindsy/113493050221284060 wdlindsy@toad.social - "For millions of students passing through North Carolina’s public schools, learning from textbooks that never mentioned the deadly 1898 coup d’etat in their state, it was as though that event never happened. 'I took several courses on North Carolina history throughout my middle school and high school career,' Dr. Crystal Sanders, today a history professor at Emory University, told American Experience."

~ Kirstin Butler

#racism #WhiteSupremacy #Wilmington



#politik #rechte #gaza #genozid #whitesupremacy #israel #usa #europa #faschismus

Das Parlament der größten Militärmacht der Welt feiert es mit Gejohle, wenn einer ihrer Regionalverbündeten den Tod von Zehntausenden Zivilist:innen zum Projekt erklärt. Überall in der Welt schart sich die extreme Rechte heute um Forderungen, die bestimmten Bevölkerungsgruppen das Lebensrecht absprechen. Islamistische Regime und die extreme Rechte in Europa und den USA sind sich in dieser Situation viel ähnlicher, als sie selbst zuzugeben bereit sind. Auch bei uns, unter demokratischen Regierungen, werden derartige Positionen in Parlamenten und Medien inzwischen normalisiert und zelebriert. Ich würde behaupten, dass hier eine wichtige Grenze zum Faschismus überschritten wird. Die deutsche Linke sollte erkennen, dass sie dazu nicht länger schweigen darf.


Bewaffnete Milizen in den USA

Antidemokratisch und bewaffnet - Rechte Milizen in den USA

Immer wieder treten bewaffnete Milizen in den USA ganz offen auf: etwa beim Sturm auf das Kapitol oder bei Grenz-Patrouillen. Wie gefährlich sind sie?#Milizen #USA #SturmaufdasKapitol #DonaldTrump #Paramilitärs #Umsturzversuch #ProudBoys #WhiteSupremacy #Rassismus
Bewaffnete Milizen in den USA


#photography #whitesupremacy
Black History Month USA
On April 13, 1937, Roosevelt Townes and Robert McDaniel, two black men, were lynched in Duck Hill, Mississippi by a white mob after being labeled as the murderers of a white storekeeper. They had only been legally accused of the crime a few minutes before they were kidnapped from the courthouse, chained to trees, and tortured with a blow torch. Following the torture, McDaniel was shot to death and Townes was burned alive.

Pictures taken, prior to Townes being lit on fire, were the first lynching photographs to be published by the national press. They were reprinted in Time Magazine and Life Magazine, and then in national newspapers.


#Israel #UnitedStates #racism #settler-colonialism #colonialism #EthnicCleansing #WhiteSupremacy



A leading Israeli rabbi called the earthquake which killed thousands divine justice.

US Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson said the 2010 Haiti earthquake was God's wrath.

This reminds us, the only religion practised by fake faith leaders is white supremacy, says RichardSudan

#Religion #Earthquake #Racism #WhiteSupremacy #Haiti #Turkey


TikTok = ByteDance = CCP = Information warfare.

The CCP are using algorithmic manipulation, applied psychology and influence in Western academia and politics to push an anti-White agenda as part of their war on the West. White men have been the driving force of Western dominance in the world for a long time, which is why the CCP are attacking them specifically, in order to weaken the West and usurp Western hegemony for themselves.

#whitesupremacy #racism #antiwhiteracism #ccp #chinesecommunistparty #infowar #informationwarfare #waronthewest #algorithms #appliedpsychology #divideandconquer #chinesesupremacy #communism #propaganda #geopolitics
