

She Never Hurt Her #Kids. So Why Is a #Mother Serving More Time Than the Man Who Abused Her #Daughter?

source: https://www.motherjones.com/crime-justice/2022/08/failure-to-protect-domestic-abuse-child-oklahoma-women-inequality-prison/

#Women of color are disproportionately prosecuted. These types of #laws are “really enforced in a racist and classist way,” says Stacey Wright, a women’s rights activist who has also studied these cases.

#jail #crime #abuse #children #fail #justice #law #usa #family #problem #humanRights #racism


Byron #Calhoun says #abortion is never necessary to save a #mother’s #life.He’s the onlyhigh-risk OB/GYN in central West #Virginia.

source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2021/the-lily/antiabortion-doctor-obgyn-care/

Several leading maternal-fetal medicine specialists, when told the histories of some of Calhoun’s patients, said the doctor had offered false hope. In one case, this led to months of emotional distress and significant health risks during delivery.

#baby #usa #religion #news #health #humanRights #crime #pregnancy