

#RisingAppalachia #Speak-out

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=pcueUxeO_hM

Who are you?
What have you become?
What have you done to this beautiful kingdom?
I don't want your guns
I don't want your poisons
I don't want your weapons and tools of mass distractions
I don't want your red flags
Don't want your baggage
I don't want your hate speech
Your supremacy
Where are your wise?
Where is your rough edge?
Don't tell me you've traded it, for comfort and privilege
I don't want your fast foods
I don't need to buy ****
I don't want your miles and miles of advertisement
I don't want it no, no, no
Step up
Speak out
Show up
Be loud
X 4
Step Up
Be loud
Step Up
Piece of mind or piece of the pie
Not if we're living in a plastic empire
Where is the house for the wounded and homeless
That sleep on the streets can't afford to own this
Everything is I, I, Me, Me, My My
Busy working for the dollar while the well runs dry
Minimum wages, maximum security
Simple pleasure traded for business and authority
Step up
Speak out
Show up
Be loud
X 4
Be loud
Step up
Speak loud
Speak loud
Be Loud
Step up
Be loud
Show up


Der 12. Juni ist der 163. Tag des gregorianischen Kalenders (der 164. in Schaltjahren)

somit bleiben 202 Tage bis zum Jahresende.

Video-Wochenmotto: Animation

Ereignis des Tages:
1817: Karl von Drais unternimmt in Mannheim die erste öffentliche Fahrt mit der von ihm erfundenen Draisine (Vorläufer des Fahrrads).

Eskil, Alice, Leo, Odulf

Russland: Tag Russlands
Philippinen: Unabhängigkeitstag
Dia dos Namorados
(Tag der Liebenden), brasilianisches Pendant zum Valentinstag
Welttag gegen Kinderarbeit
USA: Tag der roten Rosen
Tag des Tagebuchs

#music #diyvideo #nackt #naked #nude
- YouTube


Cake Walking Babies

Mutt Carey and his New Yorkers (1948)

I had never heard this tune before I recently heard Gunhild Carling play it. All the musicians here were also in the All Star Stompers, except for Mutt Carey and Hank Duncan. Carey replaces Wild Bill Davison, and Duncan replaces Ralph Sutton.

Cake Walking Babies


#music #mp3 #jazz #hot-jazz #mutt-carey-and-his-new-yorkers #mutt-carey #albert-nicholas #jimmy-archey #james-archey #hank-duncan #pops-foster #danny-barker #baby-dodds #cake-walking-babies #1948