

Bombenfund: 3200 Paderborner müssen ihre Häuser verlassen

Bei der Bombe handelt es sich um eine 500-Kilo-Bombe aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Nach Angaben der Stadtverwaltung von Dienstagnachmittag (24. September) wurde sie in sechs Metern Tiefe geortet und gesichert.

@girlofthesea@diasporasocial.net Another bomb found from WWII



Militärkolonnen fahren auf der A33 nach Sennelager | Radio Hochstift

Wegen eines Manövers in Paderborn-Sennelager sind mehrere britische Militärkonvois unterwegs. Die Kolonnen fahren an der Nordseeküste los.

Hilfe, die Briten kommen wieder zurück!



#padreborn #germany #paderborn #river #washer women #sculptures
- I've read that during this time in Paderborn, women were greatly involved in important political decisions made by their husbands, and even in the decision to have these memorial sculptures made of the Washer Women doing laundry in the famous Pader River in their city. They are beautiful and amazing sculptures.


#bulding #materials #paderborn #germany

I found this in English but it is German. It concerns the geology of building materials in Paderborn, Germany. The print on my monitor is great, but by lower back hurts if I sit too long at my computer. I printed the 21 pages of the pdf and will continue reading it from the comfort of my bed. It will be like trying to digest a cow. But what I've read so far is very interesting - to me. I plan to post several excerpts in the future.
Calcareous nannofossils in medieval mortar and mortar‐based materials: A powerful tool for provenance analysis
November 2020 Archaeometry