

The Spire of FET

Right now I create at leat one digital painting a day. Before February is over I will have more than 400 artworks on my website (https://katharsisdrill.art/art/). Sometimes I wonder what the fuck I am doing, and how I can benefit myself (beyond the sheer joy of sharing :) I don't know to be honest, and right now I just work like a madman to trip out and get away.

Yesterevening I made this one which is the last part of a small series of science fiction paintings that could easily be found on sci-fi paperbacks from the eighties and ahead. It is called: “The Spire of FET”. I sure got to use the line tool in Krita.

Use the tag #katharsisdrill to see the other artworks I have posted on this profile recently.

You can see and download the original here.

#art #mywork #krita #Katharsisdrill #fantasy #Sciencefiction #paperback


The Towers of Language

As my other profile, the one containing my art project Katharsisdrill is down. I will be posting new artworks here until I know where I stand. Maybe I will move to a new pod that I control myself and then repost all the artworks there. Then you can see it all again. There now 383 different free culture artworks in the project.

This one was made yesterday evening and is part of a small series of science fiction paintings that could easily be found on sci fi paperbacks from the eighties and nineties (they actually still looks like this). It is called: "The Towers of Language".

Use the tag #katharsisdrill to see the other artworks I have posted on this profile recently.

You can see and download the original here.

#art #mywork #krita #Katharsisdrill #fantasy #Sciencefiction #paperback


My Katharsisdrill art account on Diaspora where the project started seven years ago is down. I know the admin has been through a rough time, and I hate to bother him. At the same time I am producing tons of new work as I am going through a hard time myself and all I ever know to do in such times is working...

So here's a preview of some science fiction illustrations I've made these last days. Could be used on any pulp paperback from the eighties or nineties.

Nullspace - Caladrabn - Cryo chamber

#katharsisdrill #art #mywork #Krita #Sciencefiction #paperback


"Ballata" and "The Naked Truth" now show as available as paperback. Order at your own risk though - I have yet to receive the proof copies to make sure they are correct.

I'll announce it when they're "safe".

End of this service notice.

And good morning!

#paperback #naturistfiction