

White Poppies 90th Anniversary


Ninety years ago in 1933, the first white #poppies were created by members of the Co-operative Women's Guild. Many of these women had lost family and friends in the First World War. They were concerned about the way #RemembranceDay was going - its growing #militarisation and its detachment from a meaningful message of #peace. The Guild's General Secretary, Eleanor Barton, called for a renewal of "that 'Never Again' spirit that was strong in 1918, but seems to grow weaker as years go on".

Then as now, the white poppy stood for three vital principles:

#Remembrance must include all #victims of #war, not only British #military #casualties, but also those excluded from mainstream commemorations - #civilians, #refugees, people of other nationalities, people affected by #conflict around the world today.

• We need to challenge militarism - both the militarisation of remembrance, and the war and militarism that leads to so much suffering.

• We must look forwards and work actively towards peace, even as we remember the past.

#pacifist #pacifism #antiwar #propeace


Quelques poupées pop en coquelicots, some poppy pop dolls...

Pour @kêr-Is comme promis ;))

Aujourd'hui il fait beau et je suis allée marcher pour la première fois depuis deux mois... J'ai cueilli des coquelicots en bouton, il y en a plein dans le coin le long des trottoirs... Quand j'étais petite, avec mes soeurs, on fabriquait des poupées comme ça, la surprise c'était la couleur de la robe : parfois rose pâle ou rose abricot ou même blanche...

Today the sun is shining and I went for a walk for the first time in two months... I picked poppies in bud, there are plenty nearby along the sidewalks... When I was little, my sisters and I used to make dolls like this, the surprise was the colour of the dress: sometimes pale pink or apricot pink or even white...

#poppy #poppies #coquelicot #mywork #myphoto #maphoto #mabalade #mywalk