

RMS: Vaccination certificate exaggeration

“Boston's Mayor Janey endorsed the exaggeration that compares vaccination certificates to the manumission certificates that freed slaves in the US needed to show to prove they were not slaves.

In the US, stores check a buyer's ID before selling alcohol. Does Janey say this is the same as slavery?

The real issues I know of regarding checking vaccination certificates are

  • Making sure people don't need to own or use a mobile phone to enter a place.
  • Making sure not to let the state (or businesses) track people's movements and activities through this system.
  • Taking care not to exclude those who for medical reasons cannot be vaccinated.”

#rms #RichardStallman #covid-19 #vaccination


Justicia para el Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman

#tolerancia #rms #softwarelibre #gnu #libertad

[See previous post for English version]
[Veja postagem anterior para versão em português]

Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman

Richard M. Stallman, conocido como rms en la comunidad del software libre, es un físico, informático, filósofo y activista apasionado por la libertad del software. Es el fundador y líder del movimiento del software libre1 (a menudo mal llamado2 código abierto). El movimiento del software libre también inspiró proyectos como Creative Commons y Wikipedia.

En 1983, rms fundó3 el proyecto GNU4 con el objetivo de construir un sistema operativo libre (conocido hoy como GNU/Linux). En 1985 fundó la Free Software Foundation (FSF, Fundación por el Software Libre), para recaudar fondos y proporcionar infraestructura para el desarrollo de GNU. Desarrolló GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)5, GNU Debugger (GDB)6 y GNU Emacs7. Creó el concepto de copyleft8 y, basándose en él, escribió la Licencia Pública General GNU (GPL)9.

En septiembre de 2019 surgió en Internet una campaña de difamación, basada en información falsa, que generó una serie de acusaciones falsas, malas interpretaciones, intolerancia y respuestas desproporcionadas. Esto obligó rms a renunciar a su puesto en el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts (MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) e incluso en la FSF que fundó y dirigió. El anuncio de su regreso a la junta directiva de la FSF en marzo de 2021 reavivó la campaña.

Más en: In Support of Richard Stallman (en ingles).

Firmar carta abierta en apoyo de rms: Una carta abierta en apoyo de Richard M. Stallman.

Vea también Justicia para el Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman (mejorado y traducido al español).

¡Comparta en muchas redes sociales y corra la voz!

  1. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html "¿Qué es el software libre? - Proyecto GNU - Free Software Foundation" 

  2. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html "Por qué el «código abierto» pierde de vista lo esencial del software libre - Proyecto GNU - Free Software Foundation" 

  3. https://www.gnu.org/gnu/initial-announcement.html "Anuncio inicial - Proyecto GNU - Free Software Foundation" 

  4. https://www.gnu.org "El sistema operativo GNU y el movimiento del software libre" 

  5. https://gcc.gnu.org/ "GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)" 

  6. https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb "GDB: The GNU Project Debugger" 

  7. https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ "GNU Emacs - GNU Project" 

  8. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/copyleft.html "¿Qué es el copyleft? - Proyecto GNU - Free Software Foundation" 

  9. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html "A Licença Pública Geral GNU v3.0 - Projeto GNU - Free Software Foundation" 


On the Selam.G article Remove Richard Stallman And everyone else horrible in tech.
it still has the photo of #RMS door in MIT.
Interestingly i found a photo of the same door from a twitter post from 2016. I have the link. I overlayed Selam’s catchy photo on the old photo.

https://peertube.social/videos/watch/65566594-58a1-43fe-8c5b-75806f214083 (also in 2018)

So amidst a scandal and a crisis for mit president (still in position) someone pushed to Selam a scam or a very old photo.




mirror CH: https://0x8.ch/HackersCardgame23/
mirror FR: http://hackerscardgame.ch/jpg/EN/#a12

there are may of them

many of us 1980 Kids played #MAGIC: #THE #GATHERING when we were about 20, then when we became 30 we were to good to play #cardgames, but later i found out, that #cards are way efficient to analyzing things / situations / systems see the concept
- Morphological Box
- System (Niklas Luhmann, "Soziale Systeme")
- System Dynamics

#Yu-Gi-Oh #stallman #rms #fsf #gnu #meme #funny #windows #mac #free #freedom #Trading #CardGame #gGo #open #source #ThinkSoftware #GnuGiOh! #Linux #Windows #OSX #Apple #GPL #CC0 #CreativeCommons #fff #SystemDynamics


Richard Stallman apologizes

For information.

« Sometimes I lost my temper because I didn't have the social skills to avoid it. Some people could cope with this; others were hurt. I apologize to each of them. Please direct your criticism at me, not at the Free Software Foundation. »


Note : I will not answer to comments to this post. Many has already been said. Thank you for your understanding.

#RMS #Stallman #GNU #Linux #FSF


[This is the Portuguese version. The previous post of mine is the English version]

Justiça para Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman

#tolerancia #rms #softwarelivre #gnu #liberdade

Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman

Richard M. Stallman, conhecido como RMS na comunidade software livre, é um físico, cientista da computação, filósofo, e ativista apaixonado pela liberdade de software. Ele é fundador e líder do movimento software livre1 (muitas vezes chamado erroneamente2 de "código aberto"). O movimento software livre inspirou ainda projetos como Creative Commons e Wikipédia.

Em 1983, RMS fundou3 o projeto GNU4 visando construir um sistema operacional livre (conhecido hoje como GNU+Linux). Em 1985 ele fundou a Free Software Foundation (FSF, Fundação para o Software Livre), para levantar fundos e prover infraestrutura para o desenvolvimento do GNU. Ele desenvolveu o GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)5, o GNU Debugger (GDB)6 e o GNU Emacs.7 Ele inventou o conceito de copyleft8 e, baseado nele, escreveu a Licença Pública Geral GNU (GPL).9

Em setembro de 2019, surgiu uma campanha difamatória pela Internet---baseada em informações falsas---que levou a uma série de falsas acusações, erros de interpretação, intolerância e desproporcionalidade. Isso forçou RMS a renunciar de sua posição no Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachusetts (MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) e até da FSF que ele próprio fundou e liderava. O anúncio de seu retorno ao conselho de administração da FSF em março de 2021 reacendeu a campanha.

Mais em: In Support of Richard Stallman (língua inglesa).

Assine a carta aberta em apoio a RMS: An open letter in support of Richard M. Stallman (traduzida para português).

Veja também Justiça para Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman (em português).

Por favor compartilhe em muitas redes sociais e divulgue!

Citando pessoas que compartilharam uma postagem anerior (esta é sobre um sítio diferente e melhor):


  1. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html "O que é o software livre? - Projeto GNU - Free Software Foundation" 

  2. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html "Por que o Código Aberto não compartilha dos objetivos do Software Livre - Projeto GNU - Free Software Foundation" 

  3. https://www.gnu.org/gnu/initial-announcement.html "Anúncio Inicial - Projeto GNU - Free Software Foundation" 

  4. https://www.gnu.org "O Sistema Operacional GNU e o Movimento de Software Livre" 

  5. https://gcc.gnu.org/ "GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)" 

  6. https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb "GDB: The GNU Project Debugger" 

  7. https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ "GNU Emacs - GNU Project" 

  8. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/copyleft.html "O Que é Copyleft? - Projeto GNU - Free Software Foundation" 

  9. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html "A Licença Pública Geral GNU v3.0 - Projeto GNU - Free Software Foundation" 


Justice for Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman

#tolerance #rms #freesoftware #gnu #healingcommunities #restoretruth #reinstallrms #freethought

Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman

Richard M. Stallman, also known as RMS in the free software community, is a physicist, computer scientist, philosopher and passionate champion for software freedom. He is the founder and leader of the Free Software Movement1 (often mistakenly2 called “open source”). Beyond computing, it inspired projects like Creative Commons and Wikipedia.

In 1983, he launched3 the GNU Project4 with the goal of building a free software operating system (known today as GNU+Linux). In 1985 Stallman founded the Free Software Foundation to raise funds and provide infrastructure for the development of GNU. He developed the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)5, the GNU Debugger (GDB)6 and GNU Emacs.7 He invented the concept of copyleft8 and, based on that, he wrote the GNU General Public License.9

An Internet defamatory campaign broke up in September 2019, based on misinformation that led to a series of false accusations, mischaracterizations, intolerance and disproportionality. This forced RMS to resign from his position at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and even from the FSF that he founded and led. The announcement of his return to the FSF Board of Directors in March 2021 reignited the slanderous campaign.

More at: In Support of Richard Stallman.

Sign the open letter in RMS support: An open letter in support of Richard M. Stallman

Please share in many social networks and publicize!

Mentioning people who shared a previous post (this one is about a different,
better site):


  1. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html "What is free software? - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation" 

  2. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html "Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation" 

  3. https://www.gnu.org/gnu/initial-announcement.html "Initial Announcement - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation" 

  4. https://www.gnu.org/ "The GNU Operating System and the Free Software Movement" 

  5. https://gcc.gnu.org/ "GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)" 

  6. https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb "GDB: The GNU Project Debugger" 

  7. https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ "GNU Emacs - GNU Project" 

  8. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/copyleft.html "What is Copyleft?" 

  9. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html "The GNU General Public License v3.0 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation"