

A quotation from Russell, Bertrand

The moral thing I wish to say to [future generations] is very simple. I should say love is wise, hatred is foolish. In this world which is getting more and more closely interconnected, we have to learn to tolerate each other. We have to learn to put up with the fact that some people say things that we don’t like. We can only live together in that way, and if we are to live together and not die together we must learn the kind of charity and kind of tolerance which is absolutely vital to the continuation of human life on this planet.

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) English mathematician and philosopher
Interview by John Freeman, Face to Face, BBC TV (1959-03-04)

#quote #quotes #quotation #coexistence #love #tolerance #hatred
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/russell-bertrand/67232/


"Jeder ist willkommen! Egal woher er/sie kommt!"
Bild von meiner Tochter, 9 Jahre alt.
Gemalt am Donnerstag, dem 25.Januar 2024.
Ein Foto mit Kindern aus ihrer Schulklasse.
Die zwei Fotos sagen mehr als 1000 Worte. ☮️🌈❤️🍀🌞

#Bild #Bilder #Frieden #Toleranz #Gerechtigkeit #Gleichheit #Vielfalt #Kinder #Demokratie #Demonstration #Demo #Foto #meinFoto #mywork #Image #Images #Peace #Tolerance #Justice #Equality #Diversity #Children #Democracy #Demonstration #Demo #Photo #myPhoto


#BaldursGate3 #Community: please don't #support the 'ser #Aylin' #mod

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/18a4ryt/please_dont_support_the_ser_aylin_mod/

on the website they state that the mod "ensures that the #gender and #sexuality of world NPCs match #medieval status quo" and I was not even slightly surprised to see that instead of just removing the references to Nocturne being trans they instead decided that the easier thing to do (it's not easier) was to turn her into a man who tried to be a #wioman and then hated it... gee I wonder why they'd do that?and imagine my surprise when I saw that they had no mods that removed any of the magical aspects and creatures in the game in order to make it match "medieval status quo."it's almost as if they don't care about realism and it's actually just about their hatred of #queer people, because if they did care about realism they'd be well aware that we have existed since the dawn of time.

#LGBT #LGBTQ #game #gamer #npc #change #news #problem #hate #tolerance #woke #diversity #humanRights #fantasy


#SpaceX #employees draft open letter to #company executives denouncing Elon #Musk’s #behavior

Source: https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/16/23170228/spacex-elon-musk-internal-open-letter-behavior

The letter comes nearly a month after a report from Insider alleged that SpaceX paid a former company flight attendant a $250,000 settlement after she accused Musk of exposing himself to her and propositioning her during a massage, an allegation that involved Musk offering to buy her a horse. Musk denied the allegations, telling Insider there is “a lot more to this story.”


SpaceX’s current systems and culture do not live up to its stated values, as many employees continue to experience unequal enforcement of our oft-repeated “No #Asshole” and “Zero #Tolerance” policies.

#ethics #moral #management #staff #work #economy #ElonMusk #news #problem #fail #labour


A quotation by Martin, Everett Dean

Tolerance is a better guarantee of freedom than brotherly love; for a man may love his brother so much he feels himself thereby appointed his brother’s keeper.

Everett Dean Martin (1880-1941) American educator, minister, writer, lecturer

Liberty (1930)

#quote #quotation #freedom #liberty #love #paternalism #responsibility #tolerance

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/martin-everett-dean/51430/


« Nous organisons une élection archaïque là où nous devrions inventer des manières de faire démocratie »

Saturé de sondages aux fondements parfois douteux, le débat médiatique et politique se droitise à outrance. À six mois de l’élection présidentielle, ce constat ne reflète pas vraiment les évolutions de la société française. Entretien avec le sociologue politique Vincent Tiberj, professeur des universités à Sciences Po Bordeaux. https://basta.media/droitisation-sondages-presidentielle2022-Zemmour-CNews-saturation-du-debat?var_mode=calcul

#Democratie #Election #Presidentielle2022 #Politique #Droitisation #Zemmourisation #Sondage #Vote #Cnews #DebatPublic #Immigration #Racisme #Tolerance


A young boy sees his brother get bullied, then transform in a magical way. | My Brother Is a Mermaid

Kuda is a young boy who lives in a desolate coastal town with his older sibling Kai and his single mother. Kuda enjoys a close, loving bond with Kai. They enjoy surfing together and telling each other stories, particularly one about mermaids in the ocean.

But outside their bubble, life is hard for Kai, who is bullied for the feminine aspects of their self-presentation. Kai likes glitter and sequins, and even Kuda sees that Kai's soul is like a mermaid's: otherworldly, poetic, dreamlike and emotive. When the bullying hits a crisis point, Kuda thinks he's lost Kai forever, but the true magic of Kai's soul makes itself seen, despite the ugliness of the world around them.

Writer-director Alfie Dale's deeply affecting dramatic short combines textured, muted social realism with a lovely, evocative fairy tale in poetic, imaginative ways, offering up a story that is about the anchor of unconditional familial love and the full expression of one's self.

The visuals of the film are exceptional, capturing both the gritty desolate beauty of the coast and the lucid, lyrical flights of fancy that characterize Kai's imagination. These gorgeous underwater shots are soulful and evocative; they're beautiful to look at, but they also allow us to experience Kai their own terms, blurring the lines between genders and even between myth and reality, which may be more to the point when it comes to Kai.

The writing and editing, too, have a gentle fluidity, moving between the dramatic events of reality and the deep-dives into imagination. The storytelling is compelling throughout, building character and tension in powerful, gripping scenes that bring us into Kai's worlds, as seen through Kuda's eyes. That framing of innocence and love is important because Kuda seems something fundamental that even his mother cannot: Kai is just different at the deepest level of spirit and soul, which is mermaid-like, sensitive and darkly beautiful.

Young actors Cameron Maydale as Kai and Aidan Broderick as Kuda play the siblings with palpable connection and understated naturalness, forming the film's tender core. And ultimately, this fierce, loyal unconditional love is what pulls Kai out of the darkest depths when life becomes unbearable and threatens to drown them in pain and suffering.

Many films about gender nonconformity focus on the biological and physical, but what makes "My Brother Is a Mermaid" exceptional is how it grounds the audience within Kai's spiritual and emotional experience. Like Kuda, we come to see that Kai's soul is uniquely otherworldly, traversing oceanic realms of fluidity, emotion and imagination with delicacy and glamour, much like the mythical mermaids themselves.

In a world that is drab, ordinary and full of financial and emotional poverty, Kai wants to live on the level of myth and archetype. "My Brother Is a Mermaid" asks us to remember this impulse when we wanted to be fairies, tricksters, superheroes, gods, royalty, demons or angels -- when we wanted to feel and experience something bigger than ourselves, and dare to bring wild imagination into our daily lives.

#short-films #Omeleto #Alfie-Dale #imagination #acceptance #tolerance #inclusion #unconditional-love #gender-nonconformity


TOLERANTIA - a short animated film by Ivan Ramadan

The first 3D animated film produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2008). Nominated for the Best European Short film by the European Film Academy 2008. Awarded with 8 more awards including the "Heart of Sarajevo" for the best short film on Sarajevo Film Festival 2008.
Directing, animation, sound - Ivan Ramadan
Music - traditional (Mostar Sevdah Reunion)

#animation #short-film #Bosnia #Sarajevo #war #tolerance #2008 #best-EU-short-film


L'automne est propice à la réflexion... 🤔

Plus le temps passe et plus je trouve que le monde qui nous entoure est exigeant. Surtout en ce qui concerne l'écologie. Le mouvement zéro-déchet est en lui même très astreignant. J'ai beau adhérer à de nombreux principes de ce mouvement, je n'en reste pas moins humaine. Et je faillis parfois (si on peut appeler ça faillir) 🍂

Je vais vous faire une révélation. Je n'ai pas utilisé de couches lavables à l'arrivée de ma fille. On nous en avait pourtant prêté. Mais on ne les as pas utilisées. Et lorsqu'on nous a demandé si nous nous en servions, j'ai ressenti un sentiment de honte et un besoin immense de me justifier. Car c'est vrai, ce n'est pas en phase avec mes valeurs et avec ce que je mets en avant sur ce blog. Et ce n'est pas ma seule conduite non-écolo, il y en a pleeeinnn d'autres ! 🍁

Certains et certaines arrivent très bien à "maintenir le cap". Ce sont des modèles (nous en avons besoin !). Mais je n'en fais pas partie. Est-ce grave ? Je ne crois pas. Je suis une écolo "imparfaite, libre et heureuse" pour reprendre le titre du livre de Christophe André. Nous sommes des êtres aux multiples facettes et j'essaie d'accepter tout ce que je suis, avec mes contradictions. Qui n'en a pas ? 🍃

Essayons d'être bienveillants envers nous-même 🧡
Très bon week-end à vous ! 🤗

PS : Ne vous méprenez pas. Je continuerai à parler d'écologie sur le blog et à vous proposer des astuces écolos 😉 J'avais simplement envie de vous partager mon ressenti 🌰
PS 2 : Il est pas trop mignon ce potimarron ? 😁

#potimarron #cucurbitaceae #cucurbitacé #automne #orange #reflexion #bienveillance #imparfaite #ecologie #contradictions #affirmationpositive #meditation #estimedesoi #confianceensoi #visualisation #affirmationpositive #inspiration #affirmationdujour #mantradujour #energiepositive #tolerance #phrasedujour #pensee #penseepositive #texte #phrase #viepositive #positif #developpementpersonnel #motdujour #amourdesoi


Justice for Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman

#tolerance #rms #freesoftware #gnu #healingcommunities #restoretruth #reinstallrms #freethought

Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman

Richard M. Stallman, also known as RMS in the free software community, is a physicist, computer scientist, philosopher and passionate champion for software freedom. He is the founder and leader of the Free Software Movement1 (often mistakenly2 called “open source”). Beyond computing, it inspired projects like Creative Commons and Wikipedia.

In 1983, he launched3 the GNU Project4 with the goal of building a free software operating system (known today as GNU+Linux). In 1985 Stallman founded the Free Software Foundation to raise funds and provide infrastructure for the development of GNU. He developed the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)5, the GNU Debugger (GDB)6 and GNU Emacs.7 He invented the concept of copyleft8 and, based on that, he wrote the GNU General Public License.9

An Internet defamatory campaign broke up in September 2019, based on misinformation that led to a series of false accusations, mischaracterizations, intolerance and disproportionality. This forced RMS to resign from his position at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and even from the FSF that he founded and led. The announcement of his return to the FSF Board of Directors in March 2021 reignited the slanderous campaign.

More at: In Support of Richard Stallman.

Sign the open letter in RMS support: An open letter in support of Richard M. Stallman

Please share in many social networks and publicize!

Mentioning people who shared a previous post (this one is about a different,
better site):


  1. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html "What is free software? - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation" 

  2. https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html "Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation" 

  3. https://www.gnu.org/gnu/initial-announcement.html "Initial Announcement - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation" 

  4. https://www.gnu.org/ "The GNU Operating System and the Free Software Movement" 

  5. https://gcc.gnu.org/ "GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)" 

  6. https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb "GDB: The GNU Project Debugger" 

  7. https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ "GNU Emacs - GNU Project" 

  8. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/copyleft.html "What is Copyleft?" 

  9. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html "The GNU General Public License v3.0 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation"