

Olympic #esports #tournament adds #Fortnite, but not any Fortnite mode you've seen before

Source: https://www.pcgamer.com/olympic-esports-tournament-adds-fortnite-but-not-any-fortnite-mode-youve-seen-before/

I can't say that I think Fortnite target shooting sounds very exciting otherwise—I don't think "technical shooting and ballistics simulation" when I think Fortnite—but I have in the past been riveted by Farming Simulator esports, so maybe it'll surprise us.

#Olympia #gamer #game #news #violence


Everybody promised to disrupt the #smartphone — and the smartphone outlasted them all

source: https://www.theverge.com/2022/11/23/23474090/smartphone-next-big-thing-ar-vr-metaverse-alexa

Even the things that voice assistants and #AR glasses already do well, phones do better. #Voice dictation works impressively well on both #Android and #iOS, and #Google’s Live View in Maps is already a pretty good augmented-reality #navigation tool. You’ll get better and more fun #photos out of #Snapchat on your phone than you will with Spectacles. Most of the promise of the #metaverse is already taking place in #Fortnite and #Roblox.

#Technology #future #news


Ausbildung zum Quantenmechaniker

Die drei Zehntklässler aus Neukölln könnten vom September 2022 von dem Projekt profitieren. "Quantencomputer sind wirklich cool", sagt Deniz, "die hängen meine #Geforce RTX locker ab." Noah erhofft sich dabei besondere Vorteile beim Gaming: "Wenn man #Fortnite auf einem #Quantencomputer spielt, weiß der Gegner nicht, ob man schon tot oder noch lebendig ist. Das ist wie bei Schrödingers Katze."

#LoL von hier: https://www.golem.de/news/ausbildung-zum-quantenmechaniker-mehr-qubits-statt-mehr-ps-2204-164289.html

#Zukunft #Arbeit #Gamer #April #Scherz #Witz #lustig #Technologie #Spaß #Quantensprung



mirror CH: https://0x8.ch/HackersCardgame23/
mirror FR: http://hackerscardgame.ch/jpg/EN/#a12

there are may of them

many of us 1980 Kids played #MAGIC: #THE #GATHERING when we were about 20, then when we became 30 we were to good to play #cardgames, but later i found out, that #cards are way efficient to analyzing things / situations / systems see the concept
- Morphological Box
- System (Niklas Luhmann, "Soziale Systeme")
- System Dynamics

#Yu-Gi-Oh #stallman #rms #fsf #gnu #meme #funny #windows #mac #free #freedom #Trading #CardGame #gGo #open #source #ThinkSoftware #GnuGiOh! #Linux #Windows #OSX #Apple #GPL #CC0 #CreativeCommons #fff #SystemDynamics