

#UK: No 10 ‘tried to block’ data on spread of new #Covid variant in English #schools

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/22/no-10-tried-to-block-data-on-spread-of-new-covid-variant-in-english-schools

The focus of their anger concerns the pre-print of a #PHE report that included a page of data on the spread of the #India #Covid-19 variant in schools. But when the report was published on Thursday 13 May, the page had been removed.

#censorship #pandemic #health #education #children #news #fail #politics #coronavirus #Corona #security


###As U.S. schools shuttered, student mental health cratered, Reuters survey finds

With schools nationwide locked down amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the mental health consequences on students have come into a sharp focus.

Reuters surveyed school districts nationwide in February to assess the mental health impacts of full or partial school shutdowns. The districts, large and small, rural and urban, serve more than 2.2 million students across the United States.

Of the 74 districts that responded, 74% reported multiple indicators of increased mental health stresses among students. More than half reported rises in mental health referrals and counseling.

Nearly 90% of responding districts cited higher rates of absenteeism or disengagement, metrics commonly used to gauge student emotional health. The lack of in person education was a driver of these warning signs of trouble, more than half of districts said.

The stresses didn’t affect only students: 57% of responding districts reported an increase in teachers and support staff seeking assistance.

#pandemic #covid #covid-19 #mental-health #schools #students #teachers #support-staff


What works in education? Are there any clear signs of effective outcomes measures?

I've touched on education in a few posts (see "Backstory" below), with a general them of "we're not going to educate our way out of this mess. I'm looking in particular for pointers on school quality and what does (and doesn't) work in improving the results of educational systems. I'm looking for both direct responses and pointers to theory / studies / literature on educational quality.


  • Is there any indication of methods, environments, or other interventions which improve educational outcomes persistently and over time?...

More at the dreddit: http://reddit.com/r/dredmorbius


#education #improvement #monitoring #schools #testing