


Bots - Aufstehen

### Lyrics

Alle, die nicht gerne Instant-Brühe trinken,
sollen aufstehn

Alle, die nicht schon im Hirn nach Deospray stinken,
sollen aufstehn

Alle, die noch wissen, was Liebe ist
Und alle, die noch wissen, was Haß ist

Und was wir kriegen sollen, nicht das ist, was wir wollen,
sollen aufstehn.


Alle, die nicht schweigen, auch nicht, wenn sich Knüppel zeigen,
sollen aufstehn

Die zu ihrer Freiheit auch die Freiheit ihres Nachbarn brauchen,
sollen aufstehn

Alle für die Nehmen schön wie Geben ist
Und Geld verdienen nicht das ganze Leben ist,

Die von ihrer Schwäche sprechen und sich kein dabei abbrechen,
sollen aufstehn.


Es gibt so viele, die wie Du auf bessere Zeiten warten,
Wo keiner sich mehr Angst um morgen macht,
Aber unser Morgenrot kommt nicht nach einer durchgeschlafenen Nacht

Wir träumen von ner Revolution hier
Doch wer will schon, daß dabei Blut fließt.
Wenn Du Dich da ganz mitbringst,
Mag sein, daß es gelingt,

Dich ganz und Deinen Traum mitbringst
Mag sein, daß es gelingt.


Alle, die gegen Atomkraftwerke sind,
sollen aufstehn

Die Angst vor Plastikwaffen haben in der Hand von einem Kind,
sollen aufstehn

Alle, die ihr Unbehagen
immer nur im Magen tragen,

Nicht wagen was zu sagen,
nur von ihrer Lage klagen,
sollen aufstehn.


Es gibt so viele, die wie Du auf bessere Zeiten warten,
Wo keiner sich mehr Angst um morgen macht,
Aber unser Morgenrot kommt nicht nach einer durchgeschlafenen Nacht

Wir träumen von ner Revolution hier
Doch wer will schon, daß dabei Blut fließt.
Wenn Du Dich da ganz mitbringst,
Mag sein, daß es gelingt,

Dich ganz und Deinen Traum mitbringst
Mag sein, daß es gelingt.


Alle Frauen, die nicht auf zu Männern schauen,
sollen aufstehn

Alle Lohnempfänger, die den Bund nicht länger enger schnallen,
sollen aufstehn

Alle Schwulen, die nicht um Toiletten buhlen,
sollen aufstehn

Alle Alten, die sich nicht für ihre Falten schämen,
sollen aufstehn

*Alle Menschen, die ein besseres Leben wünschen,
sollen aufstehn.

Alle Menschen, die ein besseres Leben wünschen,
sollen aufstehn.

Alle Menschen, die ein besseres Leben wünschen,
sollen aufstehn.*

Guten Aufstand!

Alle Menschen, die ein besseres Leben wünschen,
sollen aufstehn.
### Guten Aufstand!



Es gibt so viele, die wie Du auf bessere Zeiten warten,
Wo keiner sich mehr Angst um morgen macht,
Aber unser Morgenrot kommt nicht nach einer durchgeschlafenen Nacht

Wir träumen von ner Revolution hier
Doch wer will schon, daß dabei Blut fließt.
Wenn Du Dich da ganz mitbringst,
Mag sein, daß es gelingt,

Dich ganz und Deinen Traum mitbringst
Mag sein, daß es gelingt.



Bots - (1980/81)

#bots #aufstehen #aufstehn #atomkraftwerk #kernenergie #kimakatastrophe #frieden #freiheit #1980 #1981 #musik #music #musical #interlude #lyrics #no #shit.............


Well Fuck Guys.....

The new Dell XPS 17 died in virtually the same manner! Just shipped it back... I swear it wasn't anything I did....there's gotta be some hardware or software problem in those new machines. It worked fine for half-a day as I configured it and loaded software then plugged it into my dock and finished working with it the full next day then.. this morning early it started discharging and would recognize any charger including the one it shipped with... I fiddled around and it seemed to come back and charged up to 100% (on my dock at the lower wattage rate)... and then it went into a death spiral late morning.... I called them....got a RMA and shipped the fucker!

Old XPS 15 is working fine as it was (but it's shit for bluetooth keyboard/mouse so I'm back wired).....dunno what's next but I'm damn tired and done with this!

#Dell #XPS-15(9520) #XPS-17(9720) #shit #shit #shit


A Chair
I have been trying to buy a #chair for more than a year. And it can't be done. I am met with #bullshit at every turn. I can't go out to a place and sit in chairs and pick the one I like the most. I can't enter criteria online and compare types and prices. Nothing. Everything is set up to force me into making a bad decision. Does anyone understand this? This #shit (info tools, internet, etc) were supposed to make it easier for us to make decisions. By now, we were supposed to enter our criteria, and then programs would run out and find what we want, and then a multiplicity of vendors were supposed to compete over us as customers. But what has happened? It's the exact opposite. At every point, with every inquiry, the info tools fight to deny us information. And then the vendors conspire against all of us as a class and huddle in solidarity with one another.

The #Internet is THE EXACT FUCKING OPPOSITE of what we were "promised."

What was supposed to happen was this:

A few years ago I was supposed to have gone to "Chair Warehouse" or some such place, and sat in a bunch of chairs that were all standardized in ways, but customizable. And I was supposed to draw up a list: I like: lumbar support type B, size 37. I like neck support type M, size 19. I like cushion level 7. I like spring tension level 4. I like side support style B. I am in weight class 250-300. And then I could say I want: black fabric. I want a silver frame. I want no speakers in the head rest. Etc...

And then, knowing what sizes, styles, and standards I like, I could go online and let the vendors fight over me. And they would all use the same cross-industry standards for how the seats are measured, and the features are tuned.

NONE OF THIS HAS HAPPENED. If anything I have far LESS choice now than I ever have had. And this just isn't in chairs. It's in everything. Pens. Paper. Computers. Socks. You name it. I am expected to just buy all this shit online and guess. I can't sit in the chair first. I can't test the pen. I can't try the floor model. NOTHING. Here's your choice of chairs. You get leather. Sorry. They're ALL LEATHER. You don't have a fucking choice. FUCK YOU. You can click on the "Fabric" button. And we will act like we gave you fabric. And you will be on the verge of clicking BUY, and then you look: It's LEATHER. You specifically clicked on fabric. They put the fucking button there for you to click on. KNOWING that they didn't have it. And then just changed it while you were doing...

I mean WHAT THE FUCK! This shit was supposed to make our lives better!


I am a #broken person and I have wanted to die for twenty five years. I am fundamentally #worthless. People will say that my "#negativity" is what is causing this. Which is a pointless fucking thing to say. Whatever the reason is, it doesn't matter. I am a worthless sack of #shit. I should never have been born. I have never been #happy. Everything truly gets worse year after year. I was unable to make a life worth living thirty years ago, when I was young, and I have only gotten weaker, dumber, less confident, more of a burden. The only merciful thing that can happen is if I get killed. I want it to be #painless. I cannot remember the last time I looked forward to anything. I spend the entirety of every day avoiding as many people as possible. I used to like people, but I have been in a #relationship that has taught me to truly, truly fucking hate things that I "#love". It makes no sense. Nothing makes sense. Everything is turning me into a horrible #monster day by day, and there's not a goddamn thing I can do about it. I don't even want to do anything about it. Seeing "#happy" people fucking disgusts me. Seeing #miserable people disgusts me. I have nothing but #hatred and #contempt for all of you. I don't know why I haven't killed myself. Things come up and I just go on automatic. Then something happens and I am back here. What the fuck happened in the last month (or however long it's been since I've written a #suicidenote on here) that changed anything? Nothing. It's been awful. It's been an absolutely awful month that was worse than the month before. Actually it wasn't. It was not as bad. But everything is falling apart. I hate being alive.

I went to the #dentist. I need a lot of work done. I don't see the point of it. I don't want to spend $50,000 on my teeth and then blow my fucking brains out. So my teeth get worse and worse. I had kidney stones. They hurt like hell. My bitch of a "partner" spent the entire time in the Emergency Room bitching about how this wasn't even one of the five worst things that happened to her in the last year and a half. She is an unbelievably selfish bitch in many ways. In other ways, she enables me to be the disgusting, worthless sack of human fucking garbage that I am. I deserve someone as fucking atrocious as she is. I fucking hate her. I fucking hate her so fucking much. She disgusts me. Everything disgusts me. I want #aliens to read this and take #pity on me and #vaporize me instantly in my #sleep. But it never happens. The only way out is through or over a wall of #pain that I am too #lazy to break down or climb over. So I just #persist, making everyone's life worse. If you've read this far, which you shouldn't have, I have made your life worse. You need to listen to all the feel good therapeutic #bullshit that tells you to eliminate negative people from your life. I am one of them. I am getting worse and worse. I cannot even believe that I am a worse person than I was a year ago. But here I am, getting worse and worse.