

Ep – 40

The consumption of blue, mining a ashen sky silver, Winter’s noble coverage, never forward for the monochrome patter. If technicality placed soil before country, then streaming could river out her defining whiteness, a witness for patronage, the else accrued, silver belongs the knight. Samuel lifted those skies with airs of patriotism, thundered the scorched land, a documentation of habitat. Napals cat introducing Chaucer the fonder reservations, his linage, the augmented annunciation, captivity provided the seventh adaptation too the studios first edition.

Conformity was renewal, hacked the speed of documentation, loved Nepals handwritten monetary skills, predilection the rain befell Chaucer his alignment with country. Culture was exchanged for litigation, they firstly prepared a river to street the streaming, a name made capital by Winters encouraging stores, threads the bare sky renewed, pocketed the studio, seven a success.

Juvenile words, worded in the making of fundamental magazines, aplenty saw the niceties of Chaucer and Nepal. Sprawling thoroughfares the gestation from incremental rain adaptation, drops of silvery arteries, translucent time, silver streams, applicable for Winter’s a silvery wristband made before sisterly love. ©️

#sketches #art #drawings #writing myblog


Two older drawings from February 2020. Just for fun and so they would not be forgotten and buried under the heavy weight of all the other things I have made.

As my old Disapora pod which hosted this free culture project got closed I am posting my art here. You can see it using the #katharsisdrill and #darkkatharsisdrill tags.

As always Creative Commons - attribution

#art #mywork #Krita #drawings #blackandwhite #storyteller #tea #sea #cc #creativecommons #freeculture


Über William Faulkner

Herausgegeben von Gerd Haffmans

Diogenes | 1973 | ISBN: 9783257200980
146 / ~2000 :)) #neverendingbookcoverchallenge

Surveyed & mapped for this volume by William Faulkner
Aufsätze und Rezensionen von Malcolm Cowley bis Siegfried Lenz
Essays und Zeichnungen von sowie ein Interview mit William Faulkner
Chronik und Bibliographie
Frontispiz: Jefferson and Yoknapatawpha County. Kartenskizze von William Faulkner. Aus: The Portable Faulkner, © 1946 by The Viking Press, Inc., New York.
Umschlagfoto: William Faulkner (Archiv Diogenes)



Colombine leans above the taper flame:
Colombine slings a rose.
She slings a revered hand at Pierrot's feet.

Behind, a perpendicular wall of stars,
Below, a gleam of snows.
Pierrot spins and whirls, Pierrot is fleet;
He whirls his hands, like birds, upon the moon.

Pierrot spins and whirls ....
His eyes are filled with facets of many worlds
Of elver and blue and green,
And he would hide his head, yet the keen
blue darkness

Cuts his arms away from his face.

Listen! A violin
Freezes into a blade, so bright and thin
It pierces through his brain, into the heart,
And he is spilled by a pin of music on the dark.

Swift the wisps of motion blown across the moon ;
Colombine slings a paper rose,
Pierrot slits like a white moth on blue dark.

Black the taper, sharp their mouths in starlight,
The sky with icy rootless flowers gauntly glows.
They are stiffly frozen, bright and stark.


#GerdHaffmans #WilliamFaulkner #Zeichnungen #Gedichte #Bücher #HarrysRegal
#books #drawings #poems #Pierrot #Columbine