

Südkorea: Filmland mit Tradition und Zukunft | DW | 11.02.2023

Unter Cineasten galt Südkorea schon lange als filmisches Schlaraffenland. Seit dem Oscar-Gewinn von "Parasite" und dem Erfolg von "Squid Game" ist klar: Die koreanische Erfolgsstory ist noch lange nicht zu Ende.#KoreanischesKino #FilmausSüdkorea #Südkorea #Film #SquidGame #FilmfestivalinBusan #Seoul #Oldboy #ParkChan-wook #BongJoon-ho
Südkorea: Filmland mit Tradition und Zukunft | DW | 11.02.2023


Barack Obama und Squid Game für Emmys nominiert | DW | 13.07.2022

Dramaserien dominieren in diesem Jahr bei den Emmy-Nominierungen. Außerdem könnte zum ersten Mal eine Serie gewinnen, die nicht auf Englisch produziert wurde. Auch der ehemalige US-Präsident könnte einen Preis abräumen.#EmmyAwards #Emmys #SquidGame #Succession #StrangerThings #BarackObama #SirDavidAttenborough #JohnOliver #TrevorNoah
Barack Obama und Squid Game für Emmys nominiert | DW | 13.07.2022


Donald Marshall interview, he tells of being cloned. He says your #clone stays at the #cloningcenter and while you're #sleeping they can bring your consciousness to your clone in the cloning center and you can interact with lots of other clones. It takes 5 years to make a clone. Clones can be made from a baby's foreskins or even from cells obtained from a pap smear. they can clone our children and they look for beautiful kids in school yearbooks. If you are low level you get raped and tortured and used. If you are a high level clone, like obama, queen elizabeth, etc, then they get to do the raping. they have an arena smaller than a hockey rink where the elites sit in the stand and watch the clones do whatever they want them too, like sword fighting. Reminds me of #squidgame. If they want to kill you in real life they can torture your clone so much that you actually die from heart problems or embolism. there are different types of clones, and some are made by #lizard creatures called #vril who have been around since the time of the dinosaurs but they have been living underground near pools of sulpher. the vril come in 3 sizes and they can stick their tongue into your #eye and it kills you but also you have been body snatched and they now live in your body and imitate you. The vril love to eat children, especially children who are not vaxxed because they taste better. The cloning centers are where all the major decisions are made that affect the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GhVJWssTIg


Money Heist ~ La Casa de Papel


‘The #Spanish #heist #thriller has been the most in-demand #TV-show in the #world … That said, the peak #global demand for #LaCasaDePapel following its release was the highest of any #non-English language show that Parrot Analytics has ever tracked (yes, including #SquidGame).’

[00:00] 01. Theme song : Cecilia Krull – My Life Is Going On [03:34] 02. Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose – Too Late To Turn Back Now [06:52] 03. UB40 – Kingston Town [10:42] 04. Phoebe Bridgers – Friday I’m in love [14:23] 05. Klergy & BEGINNERS – Will You Fight [17:48] 06. Herman Dune – I Wish That I Could See You Soon [20:41] 07. Cidália Moreira – Grândola Vila Morena [24:18] 08. The National – Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks [28:31] 09. Plastic Bertrand – Ca plane pour moi [31:36] 10. Compay Segundo – Guajira guantanamera [36:48] 11. The Crystals – Then He Kissed Me [39:28] 12. Dusty Springfield – Take Another Little Piece Of My Heart [42:05] 13. Alice Merton – Why so serious [45:50] 14. Cecilia Krull – Can’t Take My Eyes Off You [49:19] 15. Chavela Vargas – Arrieros somos [52:37] 16. Band of Horses – The Funeral [57:58] 17. James Brown – Get Up I Feel Like Being A Sex Machine [01:00:47] 18. Starsailor – Way to Fall [01:05:17] 19. Pol 3.14 – No Time [01:09:29] 20. Coldplay – Fix you

#musicvideo #soundtrack #season5 #moneyheist #tvseries #netflix #artsandculture #bellaciao


#SquidGame #Cryptocurrency Scammers Make Off With $2.1 Million

source: https://gizmodo.com/squid-game-cryptocurrency-scammers-make-off-with-2-1-m-1847972824

The anonymous hucksters behind a Squid Game cryptocurrency have officially pulled the rug on the project, making off with an estimated $2.1 million. Remember on Friday morning when #Gizmodo told you it was an obvious #scam? It was only obvious because investors could purchase the crypto but couldn’t sell it. But plenty of people didn’t get the #warning in time.

#cybercrime #crime #fail #internet #news #money