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#Bugs that look like other things.

Some bugs have ended up looking like things that they are not. Yes, that's right: nature lies. Well, don't worry; this post will blow this thing wide open... smashing the illusion one bug at a time.


We all know this one: the #mantis that looks like a #leaf. Mantis are like #stick #insects from an evil dimension. These mantis are compulsive liars, hell-bent on convincing you they're a leaf or something. But instead of a leaf it's a fraudster psychopath.
from #pa


Why do #magnets #stick to a vaxxed person's arm at the injection site?
“What? Do people get a tolerance to it? No, they have to have #changed the #recipe.

They had to have deleted something, added something, changed the ratio – something like that.

Yup they sure did. I said previously somewhere on here - "acol" no longer functions in their labs. So they flipped over to genetic paraffin. It is used as "glue" to create the housing of a synthetic protein.

For those who do not know what "genetic paraffin" is about:

https://www.jove.com/t/2763/dna-extr ...tic-epigenetic


Biopsied or surgically excised tissues for histopathologic analysis and diagnosis are often formalin fixed and paraffin embedded (FFPE) for long term storage

Therefore, "long term storage" means the "jabs last longer" and "sticks around longer" ... sure.. sure.. certainly they won't tell anyone that!


Histopathology refers to the microscopic examination of tissue in order to study the manifestations of disease. Specifically, in clinical medicine, histopathology refers to the examination of a biopsy or surgical specimen by a pathologist, after the specimen has been processed and histological sections have been placed onto glass slides. In contrast, cytopathology examines free cells or tissue micro-fragments.
#vaccinescam is beyond evil


GNU Linux how to make bootable usb stick from iso - making usb sticks with GNU Linux and dd

making usb sticks with GNU Linux and dd: WARNING! one single wrong drive letter and data could be irreversible destroyed! (it has happened many times before!!!) so this script make_stick.sh (download it here) aim's to double check if it is really the[...]

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #stick #usb #howto #gnu-linux

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2021/09/29/gnu-linux-how-to-make-bootable-usb-stick-from-iso-making-usb-sticks-with-gnu-linux-and-dd/


Rainer - Public Domain

arabisches N

#foto #fotografieren #mywork #raspberry #Ferien #Holiday #Linux #opensource


Hey, ich weiß, ich kann es nicht lassen. Aber sonnst habe ich immer einen #Laptop mitgeschleppt um die #Photos von der #SD-Karte irgend wo auf #Stick oder #Festplatte zu sichern. Diesmal habe ich mir gedacht, nimm doch lieber den #Raspberry, eine kleine #Tastatur und ein paar #Kabel mit, so hast du auch eine wunderbar große #Darstellung und kannst sie mit der "Besten Ehefrau ever" auch direkt begutachten.

Ach, ich liebe dieses Teil :-)