

Controversial and Unconfirmed :A French Citizen pretended to be a Jew, and infiltrated a #WhatsApp chat consisting of 540 Jews, most of them businessmen of clothing, food, and the likes industries.

Here, they are admitting to paying money to gangs to paint the #Swastika, which is a false flag and then reinterpreted as an anti-Semitic attack by French authorities, they also collect donations and send money to the #IDF, also hire people to clash with Pro-Palestine protestors, one of them is at least a member of the French Ministry of Interior.

This is under investigation and will be verified or put aside as misinformation soon.

#France #Antisemitism #Paris #Palestine #Politics #Gaza


The #Nubian Princess Meghan #Markle with #Swiss Ancestors & Queen with #Swastika https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIO3SnWL1so

#Quote: "I made this video 4 years ago and totally forgot to publish it, while having it on private in this Youtube channel for 4 years - I just forgot it, sorry. Recently I wondered, what happened to this video, and I just found it back, lol. Having all my luggage in two big backpacks, it's hard to file my videos and documents and to keep track of everything in an organised manner."


Hallo #Admins, ich habe gerade das hier in meine Instanz-Blockliste eingefügt:

  • skinheads.*

Bis jetzt betrifft es die Instanzen skinheads . social, skinheads . uk, skinheads . eu, skinheads . io.

Ich weiß, dass die Skinhead Kultur nicht nur aus Nazis und Faschos besteht, aber in den lokalen Timelines dieser Instanzen sind mir eindeutig zu viele Hakenkreuze und zu viel rassistischer Mist.

#Admin #fediblock #swastika