

Science Matters


#vaccines #ScienceMatters #pandemic #Coronavirus #Covid19UK


#Question: how much #profit do #pharma companies make from #sales of #vaccines?

In the past, I remember hearing that vaccine sales brought little to no profit, and that's why pharma companies are given immunity from #liability for adverse vaccine reactions.

This morning, I saw an article that seems to indicate significant vaccine sales volumes for one company, but there was no information about net profits from these sales.

Here is whet CNBC reports:
- Vaccine 2021 sales forecast $33.5 billion
- Oncology year-over-year sales $3.1 billion
- Internal med year-over-year sales $2.4 billion
- Hospital year-over-year sales $2.2 billion

Any insights would be Wellcome. ;-)



After the Covid-19 outbreak in Taiwan in May this year, more help is on the way: the US send more than initially promised. 2.5 Million though will be enough for first shots for about 10% of the population.

This comes at a good time for Taiwan, as it may help calm down the heated domestic debates about why the super-rich of Foxconn or TSMC shouldn't just buy German company BioNTech to help alleviate the vaccination pressure.

The US sent 2.5 million COVID-19 vaccines to Taiwan — more than triple it initially pledged

#taiwan #covid-19 #usa #vaccines


Linux Foundation Public Health prepares global COVID-19 passport as Linus Torvalds encourages vaccine uptake

This is why the father of Linux, Linus Torvalds, has spoken out telling people to "get vaccinated" and "stop believing the anti-vax lies". For anyone who believes "the crazy conspiracy theories" he has a simple message: "SHUT THE HELL UP". Meanwhile, Linux Foundation Public Health has launched the Global COVID Certificate Network (GCCN), described as "an initiative to enable interoperable and trustworthy verification of COVID certificates between jurisdictions for safe border reopening".
#news #Linux #linuxfoundation #Torvalds #vaccines #VaccinePassports #foss #covid #coronavirus
