

Ok, ich muss meine vor einem halben Jahr getätigte Meinung etwas revidieren ... das neue Album der Spectres aus Vancouver ist wesentlich abwechslungsreicher als befürchtet - hier geben sich Pop und [Post-]Punk die Hände und dieses gar nicht mal so schlecht ... auch wenn manches Mal ein wenig zu sehr der Gleichmut überhand zu nehmen scheint ... nun ja ...

#Postpunk #punk #Wave #WavePop #Spectres #Vancouver


Innovative Solution or Dystopian Pipe Dream?

Mining cryptocurrency is an energy-intensive industry. The main by-product of high-powered computers verifying Bitcoin, Etherum, and or Ripple transactions on the blockchain is an excessive amount of heat that often goes to waste. However, one company is set to heat buildings in the Canadian city of North Vancouver through mining rigs attached to "digital boilers."

#Vancouver #Canada #energy #heat #winter #Bitcoin #Etherum #cryptocurrency #mining



Bike lanes mean business


#bikes #vancouver #cities


via @The Artist formerly known as JP, OK I like it.

Why Do We Wear #Masks?

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We cover our faces and conceal our appearances for the simple reason that we have no need to be identified. In this world where cameras sit on every other street corner, where the police, #CSIS and #RCMP use every chance to #profile us and to build up files on our activities, where participation in #socialstruggle or public #demonstrations can compromise our #freedom and ability to act in the future, we see no reason to make their jobs easier for them. Just as we refuse to cooperate with police #interrogations and police #investigation, we’re also going to make it as hard as we can for the systems of social control to crack down and break us. Developing a practice of (partial) #anonymity in situations we choose opens up space for participating in actions for folks who would otherwise be risking too much be it #legal status, #immigration status, or #employment. Not only does it make profiling more difficult, but it also helps to keep people out of police custody. Wearing masks won’t get us home safely all the time, but it does disrupt routine repression and social control.

It is time we break them Instead of letting them break us!

Posted from #PugetSound #Anarchists

#blackbloc #fuckthepolice #protest #security #Vancouver