


"you can ignore reality but you cant ignore the consequences when it strikes" -- Aman Jabbi


#criticalmass #sayNO #FuckOffFascist #connect #collaborate #forFREEDOM #wakeup #shine #youaremorethantheytryrepressyouto #thegreatawakening #solutionspaceupstream #unplugfromthematrix #climboutofplatoscave #facereality #facethehorror #riseup #lookup #restoreyourabilitytolookup #everybodysresponsibilitytopokebigbrotherintheeye #theanswerhasalwaysbeenthepeople #calltoaction #local

looking down the barrel of not a mere 1000 year reich like the nazis promoted, but an everlasting one. we are the people, now, who can avert this dystopian totalitarian nightmare. there are worse things than death. go forth, fearless, loving, aware there are scams to use your love to kill.

"you can ignore reality but you cant ignore the consequences when it strikes" -- Aman Jabbi

the ignorance that dies, is not you.

if ignorance is bliss, give me agony.

"once we accept the digital identity it's game over for humanity" -- Aman Jabbi

#speakout #criticalmass
#theyknowweknowtheylie #thisisnotwhathealthlookslike #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #thisisnotwhatfreedomlookslike #thisisnotwhatenvironmentalconservationlookslike #smartweapons #archons #deskkillers #thehourislaterthanyouthink #wecanstillmendthis #ifyouareawake #nocullnecessary #nopanopticonnecessary #nokillgridnecessary #safetyandsecurity #ofthepeople #or #ofthearchons #falseflad #controllednarrative #controllednarratives #cbdc #totalitarian #panopticon #problemreactionsolution #contract #imposition #coercion #digitalprison #defaulprisoner #WEF #identity #facialrecognition #scam #compliance #forcedcompliance #coercedcompliance #topdown #noneed #fakecines #depopulation #humancull #nocullnecessary #nocullnecessary #nocullnecessary #theypublishtheseplans #snapoutofdenial #doyourdemocraticdutyandscrutinise #disobeytheirterror #speakout #zerotrust #digitalidentity #freetravel #freespeech #mandate #lockdown #invisablelocks #oppression #massformationpsychosis #stateterror #globalstateterror #globalstatetyranny #noescape #conditionalaccess #genocide #democide #wealthextraction #reverseequity #iniquitous #inequality #digitalcurrency #district9 #conditioning #draconian #brutal #corporatocracy #corporatism #fascism #metaverse #protectionracket #orwellian #ar #vr #mixedreality #thisisnotwhatrealitylookslike #matrixbuilding #matrix #terminator #thegreatawakening #themasses #sheeple #sheepling #sheeplisation #massformation #sublimate #forkedtongue #duplicity #fakefood #destitution #newspeak #sustainabledevelopment #sustainabledevilment #smarcities #smartgrid #controlgrid #manufacturedscarcity #manufactureddependence #energysources #security #privacy #trojanhorse #fakesecurity #fakeprivacy #doublethink #completecontrolofchildren #getthemwhiletheyareyoung #childabuse #childdata #bigbusiness #bigbrother #bigbaron #bigbully #bigpsychopath #dataharvesting #mindcontrol #mindmanipulation #predictive #reductive #stockmarket #gambling #sicknessprofiteering #dataisthenewcurrency #dataisthenewoil #cameras #observation #facialreccognition #smartschools #badidea #bis #un #internationalbankers #digitalid #theytellyou #dracontine #beyondstate #statecapture #regulatorycapture #beyondblack #clearviewai #deepfake #deepfakedb #precrime #predictiveanalytics #prescriptionanalyitics #prescribedbehavior #trolling #ppi #ppe #noidentityleftbehind #inclusivity #totalitarian #orwellianlanguage #repetition #hijackedservices #convenience #convenincecoercion #behaviouralengineering #headinthesand #slavery #debtslavery #identityslavery #slaverysystem #debtslaverysystem #identityslaverysystem #sensoriseeverything #data #thebeast #dehumanising #stopthebeast #getridofthesensors #getridofthecensors #starvethebeast #pokebigbrotherintheeye #pokebigbaronintheeye #pokebigbullyintheeye #blockchainisyourdigitalleash #thefinallockdown




#thehourislaterthanyouthink #SaveOurNHS #sociopathic #nuremberg #patientsrights #moreexpensivelessefficientworseoutcomes #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #forprofithealtchare #wealthextraction #privatisation #stealthprivatisation #NHS #freeatpointofservice #need #afullyinformedpatient #doctoralautonomy #patientsovereignty #administrativeusurption #health


one quick little quote from #DrBobGill (of #thegreatNHSheist #documovie and #saveournhs #campaign #advocacy fame)

"[Nationalised Healthcare, got copied around the world]... Because they realised there is no more efficient way of doing things. Can't be done. There is no healthcare service in the world that is privately delivered which looks after everyone. Privatised medicine, avoids sick people. Because they're expensive. The business model is not to spend more money on the sick.

You couldn't make it up, right? So we are copying, the most expensive, one of the worst performing systems which is endemically fraudulent, an estimate of 10% of US healthcare costs goes in fraud, double billing and all the rest to it. So it takes a certain type of person to knowingly do this to the nation, I hope you'd agree."


and pertinent opening line from the first question:

"we don't have a political oposition in this country"

and closing line to it too:

"because the labour party is standing in the way"

"Educate each other".



do you at least read the ingredients? or do you just look at the advertising and marketing deceptions on the front of the packaging?
if you don't even read the ingredients listed on the back, what chance is there that you will do your due diligence in a little research into the products offered to you under the advertising and marketing claims of medicines and vaccines?

#food #advertising #marketing #pharmaceuticals
#forprofit #wealthextraction #marketmanagement #populationmanagement #perceptionmanagement
#questionmore #questioneverything