

#Amazon is really good at treating programmers like cogs in the machine. So, you don't have a good experience at Amazon, but you will be exploited for labor effectively, and Jeff Bazos will make a lot of money, and you'll quit soon - after a year, cause the high attrition rate, but it doesn't matter because someone will replace you, and they designed a system where everyone is replaceable. It sucks. Don't #work there.
- Andrue Kelly, #Zig ziglang.org creator on Rustacean Station (a #Rust #podcast) @00:28:47


"Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. #Zig is a new #programming language that seems to be growing in popularity. Let’s do a quick dive into what it is, why it’s unique, and what sort of things you would use it for. (Ed Note: Other than “for great justice“, naturally.)" https://hackaday.com/2021/10/05/need-a-new-programming-language-try-zig/