

Bandcamp is just another prison
There's an unshakeable belief that Bandcamp is somehow the ethical alternative to Spotify and the like. Sure, that's even shittier. But Bandcamp is a greedy monster that lives off the talents of others, you have to buy into the playlists, pay very high fees and are at the mercy of an algorithm that favors those who are favored anyway. Using Bandcamp is like buying vegan products from Nestlé, it seems nice at first, but it only strengthens those who are actually the problem. Luckily, there is the FOSS scene and since yesterday I know that Simon Repp @freebliss has made a great start with his Faircamp https://simonrepp.com/faircamp/. A very lightweight static streaming site for bands and independent labels as it should be. It's still very alpha, but you can easily see that there's a diamond that just needs to be polished. Open standard protocols, no database, no PHP. You don't even need a server, a web space is enough. Super cool. Unfortunately I don't know Rust, but as a know-it-all I can tell you what sucks ;) I set it up as a test for my label Suzy Q Records https://music.undeadnetwork.de/. It's not really in production mode yet, but it will be. Looks super cool. Exactly what I need to get D.I.Y. Underground music onto the free net. Great project, well worth supporting.

#bandcamp #diy #faircamp #federated #FOSS #free #music #rust #streaming #underground


Des fois, les mortels laissent des trucs intéressants. Comme cette épée avec son pommeau d'ambre doré du IXe siècle... A qui a-t-elle appartenu ? Un redoutable guerrier ? Un noble seigneur ? Les deux ?
Un petit voyage dans le passé n'est pas une difficulté pour une fée : Le temps n'est rien pour elle.
(Ce n'est pas vraiment mon cas)
#inktober #inktober2024 #camp #rust #aadktober2024 #aadktober #casque #tartan #22 #23 #dessin #drawing #mywork #enjomineur #d3


#Rust for #Linux #maintainer steps down in #frustration with 'nontechnical #nonsense'

source: https://www.theregister.com/2024/09/02/rust_for_linux_maintainer_steps_down/

The video depicts resistance to #Filho's request to get information to statically encode file system interface semantics in Rust bindings, as a way to reduce errors. Ts'o's objection is that C code will continue to evolve, and those changes may break the Rust bindings – and he doesn't want the responsibility of fixing them if that happens.

#C #Programming #nerd #kernel #problem #support #future #news #code


🐸 📺 Live-Streams (+Re-Live) – FrOSCon 19 (Free and Open Source Software Conference)


@FOSS - Freie Software

Programm und "Thematische Schwerpunkte

Froscon-Startseite - Maskottchen ist ein Frosch

Wir bieten Vorträge zu aktuellen Entwicklungen aus dem gesamten Bereich der Freien Software und Open Source. Regelmäßig mit dabei sind z.B. die folgenden Themen:

  • Betriebssysteme
  • Entwicklung
  • Administration
  • #Sicherheit
  • Rechtliche Fragen
  • Desktop
  • #Bildung
  • Cloud

Jedes Jahr haben wir auch besondere Schwerpunkte. Für 2024 sind das:

  • In #Rust we trust – Memory safe languages
  • Grow your own – Open Source #Pflanzenbau
  • #SBOM – Lieferkettensicherheit in OSS
  • Thinking outside the stack – eBPF und Freunde
  • Bridging the Gap between politics and reality – Lobbying für freie Software
  • AI AI, captain – #LLM, machine learning & Co."

#Froscon #Froscon2024 #FOSS #OpenSource