

Zombie Awareness Month

May is Zombie Awareness Month.


Zombie Awareness Month is a campaign to bring awareness about zombies and the possibility of a future zombie apocalypse. The campaign was introduced and is predominantly funded by The Zombie Research Society (ZRS), an organization dedicated to the historic, cultural and scientific study of the living dead that was founded in 2007. According to the ZRS, the main objective of Zombie Awareness Month is to educate people about causes, prevention and preparation for a supposed future zombie pandemic.

#zombie #zombies #zombie-awareness-month #may #zombie-research-society


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source video - I Found the Smoking Gun: #ZOMBIE #APOCALYPSE 100% CONFIRMED & IMMINENT https://www.bitchute.com/video/NaDh2q0xJKvP/
This isn't a fearmonger video to get clicks, an incredible amount of #research went into this report, and after watching it, I'm sure you'll agree that it has been 100% proven that an Apocalypse of Zombie automaton slaves is what's coming.

It's confirmed by every journalistic standard there is, the evidence presented here would stand up in a court of law. This is what's happening Patriots, it's what the jab-agenda was truly about, best we be #prepared for what is coming.



CONSTANT ABUSE OF SECTION 8 - Ireland is lawless .This Guy had some balls to walk into the midst of dangerous ZOMBIES.Gardai do nothing when he's assaulted. Gardai then target him (because he is on his own) and try to assault him. He flees for his LIFE