

Machine Antihumanism and the Inversion of Family Law

#politics #society #capitalism #transhumanism #replacism

What Shafer does exceptionally powerfully is to demonstrate, step-by-step, how the application of new technologies and commercial surrogacy processes to reproduction is already radically redefining both family and human personhood within the liberal managerial worldview, not only in theory but in law. And he then shows how this redefinition must logically lead to a truly totalitarian social and political dynamic, in which children become not persons but assembled products, and parents (if they can be identified as such at all) merely “provisionally accredited custodians” of this property on behalf of various stakeholders, and ultimately the state.



The #Zombie Trance

Source: winteroak.org

Thirty-five years ago, millions of people took to the streets to protest the Iraq war, where are they now? Alistair Campbell, one of the architects of a slaughter which resulted in the deaths of millions of children, is now the host of a jovial political podcast. All the while we shovel money through every orifice of the grubby, coke snorting, money launderer in Ukraine. Most of which washes back to our shores in the form of illegal drugs. Now we know why Kosovo was so important. Where’s the protests? Where did the peace people go? Does anyone care about peace anymore?

#new_normal #Cult #insanity #transhumanism #humanism #nature #society


James Corbett : Transhumanism and the Hyperreality.



via The #Freedom Convo #Podcast: #JamesCorbett discusses cultural #transhumanism, #psychological #transhumanism, #technocratic transhumanism, vitalism, the bio/digital convergence, simulacra and simulations, hyperreality, the desert of the real, the #Sentient World Simulation and much more with David Gardner of the Freedom Convo Podcast.

Show Notes:

The Freedom Convo Podcast / Rumble channel
Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary)
Episode 057 – Transhumanism and You
Episode 402 – Your Guide to The Great Convergence
Mass Media: A History (Digital Download)
Episode 423 – Into The Metaverse (The Media Matrix — Part 3)
The Magic Words – #SolutionsWatch
Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda
Milken Institute – Universal Flu Vaccine (C-SPAN 2019)
Meet the Sentient World Simulation: How the Government Predicts the Future
Information Awareness Office – Wiki
Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon – (Free Substack link)
All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace




First published at 11:11 UTC on March 9th, 2024.


Interdimensional Entities Set Free Upon Humanity By NASA & CERN. #FreemanFly, Aliens From Hell

Freeman FlyPRO

freemantv.com/ What occult practices have the Nazis, and now NASA, employed to communicate and channel entities into our dimension. What is the real purpose of the billions going into particle colliders like CERN? What is Blue Beam, a faked alien invasion, or something much more sinister? How does this play into the New World Order?

Why does Madonna have a DNA clean up crew? Did Madonna show the #Mark-of-the-Beast at the Superbowl? Is this the very same Mark shown by Russell Brand?

Did Michael Jackson die or is there a much deeper #mystery involving The Nine #gods of #Egypt that were channeled by the elite? Is there any reality to Stargate SG1 or Battlestar Galactica? How have Space Command, the FBI, and the CIA influenced our understanding of inter-dimensional gods and the genetic creation of mankind?

#AleisterCrowley, The Beast #666, changed the world forever, as his beliefs take their deepest roots in society, what did Crowley have to say about #Transhumanism and the industrial use of blood and semen? Can this explain Lady Gaga's use of blood and semen in her new perfume line? What is the secret meaning of Monster Drink's #logo? #How many times have you seen 666 and not realized?



#Etymology of Religion.

From Proto-Indo-European 'wert' or 'ure' via Latin via Old #French: back, turn, do again, further do, transition, restore.

From Proto-Indo-European 'leg' via #Latin 'legere' & Proto-Indo-European 'leig' via Latin 'ligare:' collect, gather, tie, bind.

From Latin '-ionem' used as a #word element forming nouns from verbs.

Religion is therefore repeated restoration of #transitional gathering & binding. #Religious ideology is therefore a restorative #system of #ideas that repeatedly gathers #human #minds & transitionally binds them to #ideology.

#God/s can exist regardless of #religion & pseudo-religions like #Marxism, #Scientism & #Transhumanism are equally concerned with gathering & binding minds to ideology.



unpaused this around 47 minutes... what's to stop them turn you off?
#transhumanism #technarchy #eugenics #neofeudalism #eternaltyranny #totalitarian #neverendinglivingnightmare #powercorrupts #dumbingdown #enslaving #destroying #psyop #gaslighting #othering #oligarchs #fascists #oligarchy #fascism #ppp #neoliberal #neoconservative #sameoldfascists #fear #wef #banks #darktriad #darktriadarchy #orwellianisms #domesticcontrol #populationcontrol #genocide #thenewmodel #noescape #norecourseofremedy #norighttoremedy #hegemony #totalitarianism #homogenisation #totalitarianisation #smartgrid #china #thechinamodel #thechinaconnection #conflictsofinterest #kissinger #pnac #globalgovernance #technocracy #technarchy #antifreedom #manufacturingconsent #manufacturedcrisis #warondessent #censorship #transhumanism #childabuse #childmutilation #totalcontrol #deidentification #governmentislikefire #paternalistgovernment #thecorporation #dependence #deskilling #agnogenesis #pridefullyignorant #dogma #usurption #mainstream #controlledopposition #juststopoil #climatechange #hypocrisy #control #manufacturedscarcity #disempowerment #thisisnotwhatfacilitarianismlookslike #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #feadrivenpolicyacceptance #bytheiractions #divideandconquer #problemreactionsolution #climageforsale #weatherwarfare #terminator #terminatorgenes #deskkillers

#wecanstillmendthis #DISOBEY #learningthelies #orwellianismaware #exitandbuild #amish #decentralisation #creativity #vivaciousness #scrutiny #planttrees #planthemp #plantcannabis #cannabiscansavetheworld #overgrowthecorporation


#Transhumanism: A brief history

Transhumanism is a predominantly Anglo-American movement that has flourished since the 1980s in “American circles of science fiction fans” and with “computer experts and techno-geeks” (Manzocco, 2019: 36). Today, California’s Silicon Valley, with its culture of technological optimism and imaginative entrepreneurship, is the hub of transhumanist thought and innovation. Though scholars have noted that there is no single definition of transhumanism, the essence of transhumanist ideology is to use science and technology to re-design and re-shape the human condition away from randomness, imperfectability, and decay, towards order, perfectibility, and control (Bostrom, 2005: 14).

Another theme, where we can spend our Fridays for.


#listen #consider


#whitneywebb #mercola

#cbdc #voluntaryfirst #involuntary #totalcontrol #centralbankdigitalcurrencies #massrejectcbdcs #whitneywebb #mercola #convenience #trap #wakeup #compromises #complicity #dependence #disempowerment #independence #duress #massadoption #foodstamps #forced #uptake #reduced #standardofliving #controlsystem #controlsystemdisguisedasamonetarysystem #monetarysystem #fakechoice #fightit #fightback #sayno #voluntaryphase #tradeandbarter #massadoption #massrejection #parallelsystems #community #supporteachother #remainoptimistic #getwise #wearenotaminority #speakout #ispytotalitariantiptoe #ifweallnarutoruntogether #accounts #censorship #nudgeunit #psyop #perceptionmanagement #problemreactionsolution #rememberwhenwesaidno #ifyoucanbetoldwhatyoucanseeorreadthenitfollowsyoucanbetoldwhattosayorthink #socialmedia #propaganda #socialmanipulation #intellectualphaselocking #groupthink #riggedpsychgelogicalmanipulationuserinterface #theeverythingapp #musk #datamining #wifi #biologicalcost #privacy #profiling #precrime #harpa #advertisingormarketing #arpa-h #biotech #bigpharma #siliconvalley #nationalsecurity #cia #hhs #fda #googlehealth #normalisedregulatorycapture #bigactors #agenda #transhumanism #theneweugenics #eugenics #ARPA-H #borg #totalinformationawareness #masssurveilance #glaxosmitklien #galvanibioelectronics #palanteer #fascbook #pentagon #terroristinformationawareness #corporatarchy #scamarchy #aipredictive #scam #scamdemic #powergrab #racketeering #robberbarons #biosecurity #coinflip #arbritrary #corruption #insanity #agi #gpt3 #gpt4 #plans #thehourislaterthanyouthink #aimarketing #aisingularity #leadbyfools #kissinger #skynet #theworkofman #themanbehindthecurtain #themonkeyinthemachine #trustmeiamanai #thegreatergood #notnormal #deskkillers #scapegoatai #externalities #normalisedattrocities #totalitarianism #dataism #croneyism #cantgettherefromhere



#watchthemcollapse #isitsowndestruction


This is #how they will try to get the jab into everyone - into every baby - every child - every citizen -

For the (covert) purposes of #transhumanism, #population control, mass infertility, full spectrum control and tracking... disguised as ' #Health Care' ...

The key to it is a #cashless society using #Digital #Currency linked to a #Social #Credit #System - what's happening in #Brazil is an illustration of how it starts... forcing people needing benefits to get themselves and their children injected -

Lula Imposes COVID Vaccine Mandate For Children To Receive Gov’t Benefits


Quote Lula said the government vaccine mandate is for the greater good, even if it means citizens take 10 or 50 vaccines.

“For God’s sake, we can’t be ignorant to the point of thinking it’s not worth getting vaccinated,” he said.

“I keep asking myself what kind of love does this mother have for her children, that she doesn’t take care of them at the most important moment when they can be vaccinated and can avoid a more delicate disease in their lives,” Lula continued.

“We can’t hesitate; we can’t play around. It is a question of science,” he said, seemingly ignoring the mountains of evidence the experimental mRNA injection is not only ineffective, but can also lead to a number of adverse neurological and cardiovascular side effects.

“If there are ten COVID vaccines, 50 to take, I will take as many as necessary because I like my life. I think everyone has a duty to their children’s life, take them [to vaccinate] at the right age, that’s why they say the Bolsa Família is coming back,” Lula said.

The announcement marks a major policy reversal since Bolsonaro, who stepped down after a contentious election in November, rejected the COVID vaccine mandate.

Meanwhile, Lula flew to Washington, D.C., on Friday to meet with fellow puppet president Joe Biden for a bilateral meeting praising each other’s far-left policies.